Friday, July 08, 2011

So, more democrat/Obama incompetence on the economy... and a plan to clean up the political system.

Another day, another mountain of evidence that Obama and the democrats don't have a clue about how to fix what they broke so brilliantly.

The "It's Bush's fault" meme is DOA.  This is the empty suit's economy... just like it would be his economy if ANY of the recovery he's babbled about was taking place.

Obama's policies have done more to kill our economy than 9/11.  Instead of addressing the issues, this moron engages in class warfare, not knowing... or caring, about the impacts... on, say, Las Vegas (Who can forget his stupidity about attending conventions in Vegas?)  or, more recently, his utter insanity over the issue of "corporate jets," vilifying yet another employment sector... a union sector, at that.

And what do we have to show for it?

CONTINUING 9.2% unemployment.  (Canada's unemployment rate has continued to fall... WITHOUT a moronic, debt ladling porkulous, to 7.4%)  and underemployment.  another 1.6 million first time unemployment claims last month, all while claiming they created a few thousand jobs... while they lost 44,000 over April and May's estimates... and the Elf-in-Chief and his minions keep babbling that the economy is "recovering," just at a "slower rate than we thought it would." Meanwhile, our economy has LOST more jobs than it has added since the recovery "began" over a year ago.  How come the Moron running the show doesn't talk abuot THAT?

"Audacity of Indifference," indeed.  That, of course, will not impact the Clueless One's golf games, the weekly White House parties, or the millions wasted on their vacations.  Because, after all, he "feels our pain" too... doesn't he?

Is this where I point out that the Congressional Budget Office said, at the time, that the porkulous would NOT work, and would, in fact, hinder the recovery?

It's tough to be an American these days.  It's tough when you look up and see a president and his administration so disconnected... or even government at ALL levels, pissing on our collective legs and calling it "rain."

At a point when we need to have the MOST faith in our government, they have, and are, failing us so much and so often and on so many things, that we are simply unable to believe them when they tell us... well... anything.

How many times have the Obama minions... or even the empty suit himself, told us we're in recovery?  Or the plans are "working?"

I believe that every politician should make their promises in writing, along with the dates of implementation of their promises.  I also believe that these written promises should be attached to a non-revocable letter of resignation... and if any of these promises are not kept or ignored, on the day after the promise's implementation date, the resignation would take effect.

Imagine how different our government... our economy... our country would look if there were a way to hold the liars accountable like this.

Pols, of course, could promise little to nothing as a false premise to be elected.

The Liar Leavitt and Steve Stuart would be gone.  Gregoire?  Long since outta here.  Obama?  He'd have been out about 10 minutes after he got in... but then, because he couldn't have promised anything, he'd have never gotten in in the first place.

Yes, another month... another series of lies from government.  I'm sick of it.

Aren't you?

1 comment:

  1. Bush was a dork and deserves lots of blame (I liked his ol' man though) but he's not the cause of our economic woes. Obama is doing the best that can be done if you agree with a gradual crash rather than getting it over with, (which I do but you don't). However, let's point the finger at the REAL CULPRIT!
    NAFTA began on January 1, 1994
    WTO started on January 1, 1995

    Everything else is just hogwash. In 1997 Walmart used to advertise that it "sold American-made."


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