Monday, July 11, 2011

Remember the idiocy of Obama and his BlackBerry? If the UK prime minister's cell phone can be hacked, what makes the Empty Suit think his can't be?

We all remember one of the Empty Suit's first bouts of moronic stupidity; his demand to keep his BlackBerry cell phone.

The money quote from our ignorant twit was this:
"If I'm doing something stupid, somebody in Chicago can send me an email and say, 'What are you doing?'
He must have gone through dozens of the things given the uncountable "somethings" he's done that are "stupid."

That said, the question here is this: if the PM of the UK found his phone getting hacked... why does this simple idiot think he's above all that?  Does he, for example, believe these same people didn't hack HIS?

My take at the time:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm about sick of Mr. Obama's BlackBerry obsession.

The President-Elect's obsession with his BlackBerry was cute, at first. Even understandable (I confess I own two: an 8830 T-Mobile and a Storm.) since they take some learning and subsequently, some skill to run all the features.

But enough is enough.

There is no excuse, save selfish self-centeredness, for Mr. Obama to demand that he be allowed to continue using his.

The critical element is this paragraph:
"The moment it becomes known that Barack Obama uses his BlackBerry, you know that a significant share of Russia's signal intelligence and China's signal intelligence and cyberintelligence budgets will be targeted to break it," said Entner, an analyst with market researcher Nielsen in Boston.
Once informed of that (and you know he has been informed of that) our President-Elect SHOULD have put his childish obsession aside, AND DONE WHAT THE SECRET SERVICE HAS ORDERED HIM TO DO.

Or is their some reason you believe your comfort level with your toy should exceed National Security concerns, Mr. President-Elect?

More here:
It's this kind of stupidity... an inability to understand what the threat is and how to address it... that permeates every move this clown makes.  All foreign and domestic policies are infested with this lack of vision... this lack of reality.


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