Monday, July 18, 2011

More rank hypocrisy from Jim Moeller.

Fortunately for the both of us, Jim Moeller is not my state representative.

Boundless arrogance with an innate "I am God" sort of superiority would not typically endear one to an electorate, unless one is a neo-communist representing a welfare district like most of the 49th.

Like all fringe leftists, there's nothing Moeller won't cheerfully waste our dwindling amount of tax dollars on.  Most recently, he screwed the entire state to waste additional tens of millions in "planning" for a waste of billions to replace a perfectly functional, serviceable bridge with a bridge of the same capacity but one that satisfies his loot rail fetish... this after his moronic "This is candy, this isn't" tax was crushed at the polls.

Recently, and unfortunately, a massive waste of tens of millions of dollars was built in yet another taxpayer-paid effort to help revitalize the ghetto known as downtown Vancouver.

$38 million vaporized, with additional millions to be wasted on staff and books.  This money was extorted through a vote that lost in Clark County, but passed in Cowlitz and Skamania counties, where those fine people stiffed us with the bill to pay for this massive waste of money.

The library bond FAILED in Clark County with 59.37%.  But because the district extends into other counties populated by people who will never see this library except in newspapers, we were unfortunately left to the mercy of that vote as well.

I pointed all this out in the mutual admiration society of the democratian article heaping praise on this waste of money.  Specifically, I wrote:
What a massive, colossal waste of money with a terrible, essentially inaccessible location.

In the age of the internet, this thing is a horrific waste of money designed entirely to help revitalize the downtown ghost town that is Vancouver; filled with overpaid public employees. It's as obsolete as loot rail, as moronic as replacing a paid for, serviceable and functional bridge in the same place with the same capacity.
And, just a friendly reminder that we here in Clark County voted this waste of money down; the only reason it got built was that the library district extends into Cowlitz and Skamania County, and THOSE voters voted FOR this.  The liberal politicians commenting here are all giddy about this waste of money, as they are all wastes of our cash.
Moeller, one of the commenters I was referring to, took exception.  He lit me up for "inflaming debate," and what he referred to as "name calling."

Of course, as THE Representative Hypocrite, few have done more to "inflame debate" or "name call" than our resident local neo-communist.  He actually threatened to "remove" my comments.  I responded by telling him, in effect, to remove and be damned.

Since the whole thing made the Candy Man look like an idiot, it appears he picked up the phone and sniveled at the democratian... and as a result, the entire Facebook comment chain on the article was removed... all while I was typing this up, thus I am not able to use direct quotes.

The point of all this?

I never post here... or on Facebook... or anywhere else... to meet anyone's approval.  But to be upset when someone posts the truth merely because you don't happen to like it... and to go after someone for doing what you, yourself, have done... well, that's kind of worthy of a separate blog post.

Just run a google search using "Jim Moeller" and "insult" to see what comes up.

It's one thing to demand civility when you're the paragon of the term.  It's quite another to make such a demand when you're a rank hypocrite.

Right, Rep. Moeller?


  1. If you'd really like to see Moeller's hypocrisy on display, you should read some of his comments on changing marriage to include others than just gays.

    Never thought I'd such prejudice coming from him.

  2. :) too bad kelly. If I had known, I might have just done a simple screenshot just by pressing the printscreen button on your keyboard? :) (Even Windows people can push and find this on their keyboard....)

    Or better YET, did a nice pdf of the subjected url.....


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