Sunday, July 03, 2011

More of the rank hypocrisy of the despicable daily: In our view: Pay for State Parks

On the surface, it's a benign observation:
The intent by legislators this year was to use the Discover Pass to generate enough revenue to ultimately make state parks financially self-sustaining. And generally speaking, The Columbian has typically supported user fees in most nonemergency cases. So, necessary? Yes, indeed.
Generally speaking, one has to ask: is the ballpark ripoff the rag supports so rabidly anything close to an "emergency case?"

Of course not.  What it is, is a "case" of something the rag wants and badly, since it represents the 30 pieces of silver to them in advertising revenue to sell out the entire county with an admissions tax to further enrich the Yakima Millionaires ball team, by building them a ballpark for next to nothing on the backs of the taxpayers in a county with double digit unemployment and the economic growth of Zimbabwe.

It's this kind of thinking, where the rag applies one standard in situation A, and a different standard in Situation B where the guts of the matter are precisely the same, that plays a major part in the disdain I have for the local version of Pravda Izvestia.

There is no excuse for this kind of crap, and the facts are clear: if you're going to support user fees for parks, then it is utter and sheer hypocrisy not to do the same for this abortion of a ballpark.

You people want it?  Then YOU people PAY for it.



  1. My question is: if parks are shut down because of lack of user's fees, does that mean the only public employees at parks will be security personnel keeping the public out of the parks?

  2. I wonder if the City of Vancouver or Clark County has an emergency clause like the state of Washington does at their legislative level that council or board members can take stuff, tag, bag and ramrod it through as though it is "important legislation" with one or two hearings and its now the law of the land.

    Well, let us see how the city or county handles this.

    Kelly, are you planning on going to one of Board of Clark County commissioners meetings and air your protests? Or are you just going to state your case here?

  3. Well, Boldt is my brother in law, and I was Mielke's consultant.

    I know that most senior staff and the commissioners read my blog, and these issues will be quite telling for Marc's upcoming reelection campaign.

  4. Ahh, now I see why you don't go to the meetings, Mielke, Boldt and their staff have your blog on daily & hourly reading levels! :) Plus you are very close to them in other ways, so their is no real point in coming in and commenting, because all that would happen would be that you would be facing the "pontif" and his ability to drill into you about your blog comments.

    Best idea is just avoid the confrontation all together. If they really need to contact you, they have your phone number, physical and email addresses if they so chose.

  5. That sums it up. They know what's on my mind. And if I got confrontational in their meetings, the democratian would focus on me while ignoring the message.

  6. In other words, they would try to kill the messenger and message all in one feld swoop because someone made themselves available as a target practice that could be publicly acquired.

    By you sitting in on your blog, it makes you a lot of an effective threat and less of a target that they can aim directly at publicly.

    Smart, smart idea.


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No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
