Monday, July 25, 2011

Memo to the scum shilling for the Yakima Millionaires: you've got "alternate plans?" Feel free to use any one of them and leave us alone.

The arrogant scum who own the Yakima Millionaires most likely killed any chance they had, no matter how small it was, to see their gigantic rip off through to fruition, Tim "The Liar" leavitt's bogus "perked up" fantasy notwithstanding.

The money part of the article showing them to be arrogant, scum-sucking slime?

Councilors Larry Smith and Jack Burkman said they wanted to hear alternatives to an admissions tax. They didn’t get any.
After the workshop, co-owner K.L. Wombacher said the team does have alternate plans, but they don’t involve the city of Vancouver.
“This is our first choice,” said Wombacher, whose team nabbed exclusive negotiating rights to a market that opened up after the Beavers left Portland.
The Portland-Vancouver market is the largest metropolitan area in the country without a professional baseball team.
“Baseball will return to the area,” Wombacher said.
But the team might be in Beaverton, Milwaukie or Portland, he said.
“There isn’t a stadium in the country that didn’t use some type of public financing,” Wombacher said.
Which excuses and justifies nothing.

That every other community in the country with one of these cess polls was stupid enough to go that route is meaningless here.

You left out the part where most every "public financing" project in the country ALSO had a VOTE.  But then, when it comes to raping us, facts aren't real big on your agenda.

Clearly, slimeballs like The Liar Leavitt and The Liar Stuart made assurances to you that precluded any other plan but taxing hundreds of thousands to get your crap pile built... and now they can't deliver.

Arrogance isn't an endearing trait.  Once again you and those shilling for you have been shown we don't want you here, we don't need you here and if you think that threatening to go somewhere else will do anything but help us to show your arrogant ass out the door, you've got another think coming.

Leavitt is the quintessential liar.  Harris is a psycho.  When they tell us that baseball would "enhance" the ghetto known as Vancouver, they're speaking with a voice lubricated by hundreds of thousands of people who will have to pay their fricking tax but who do not live in the Sewercouver and who will not have any benefit from this scam of any kind.  And how easy it is for the Bobbsey Twins of government to spend OUR money striped off the backs of small businesses here depending on those funds.

The only "opportunity" this is consists of an arrogant liar like Leavitt and Stuart doing all they can to rip off the people of this county so they can get a stadium built in their backyard at OUR expense.

Temple Lentz summed it up while bitch-slapping her former candidate:
Vancouver resident Temple Lentz, Leavitt’s former campaign manager, echoed many concerns of speakers, asking if a baseball stadium was the highest or best use of public money. At a time when public services are being cut, a fire station closed, federal grants used to keep cops on the street and the city lacks money to fill all its potholes, she questioned the rationality of raising a tax for a stadium.
She referenced an email Leavitt sent to Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart about the odds of the city council supporting the tax.
“The terms political will and vision were used as qualities to make this happen,” she said. “But giving $20 million of other people’s money to the first guy who comes up and asks for it is not political will or vision.”
This entire concept is insane. The figures, which will likely be ignored with the study the Yakima Millionaires have bought and paid for, because, like the rip off of the CRC scam, these scum don't want any of the facts to interfere with their conclusions.

Kill this thing.  Let these arrogant assholes use their "alternate plans" and get the hell out of here while leaving us alone.  And they can take The Liar with them.


  1. Stephanie Rice has updated her original update on ownership of the stadium, "Lew, to be even more specific, the team would own it while the debt was being repaid, then it would be publicly owned. Here's what I was told by the team when I asked why in documents it says the team would own it: 'Ownership is during the period in which the facility is indebted. It secures the asset until the debt is retired. Then it is free and clear a public facility'."

  2. So, we'll be long dead before this becomes any kind of public asset and the Yakima Millionaires will have made even more money while raping us... as will the newspaper who won't be taxed for the privilege. Got it.


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