Saturday, July 02, 2011

Initiative ideas: Eliminate in-state tuition for illegal aliens; cap tuition at state universities to inflation; require state universities to fill their classes with in-state students before taking any out of state applicants; end illegal alien licensing; require proof of citizenship to register to vote.

Looking to get conservatives out to vote?  How about a series of initiatives to correct the idiocy of our fringe-left legislature?

In-state tuition for illegals was the product of our very own Don Carlson back in the late 90's.  The fiscal note at the time laughingly lied that the costs would be $50,000 per year.  The cost now is in the millions, as illegals from all over the world are now attending our schools at the in-state tuition rate and keeping citizens who by every right SHOULD be allowed to go from actually attending due to room limitations.

That's right, Mom and Dad.  If your child is rejected from the UW, there's a very good chance their spot has been taken by someone who either shouldn't even be in the country, or by an out-of-state cash cow to feed the voracious money pit that is these unaccountable schools.

Caping tuition at the rate of inflation is a response to the irresponsible action of our governor and democrat legislature in allowing the junkies to take as much dope as they want: The UW raised tuition 20% for the next school year, all while engaging in the unnecessary expenditure of $250 million to rebuild a stadium that did not need rebuilding (Considering another publicly-owned facility, Seahawks Field, is just down the street).

The arguments for allowing the universities to rape the middle class that has supported them for decades are non-existent.  By allowing these thugs to charge whatever they want, the issues of fiscal responsibility and reflecting the current economic state of our society are going to bend us over every year: because they can.

Require state universities to fill their classes with in-state students before taking any out of state applicants is a common-sense response to the UW's idiocy of blocking 175 students.... American citizens... Washington State residents... from attending the UW in favor of out-of-state students because the out-of-staters pay more.

The problem as I see it is that the hundreds of millions of dollars we provide as taxpayers in THIS state mean that students from THIS state should be first up.  The universities must remember that their first duty is to educate the students of THIS state... and that means before they do ANYTHING else.

End illegal alien licensing.  As a nation, we're not even coming close to enforcing laws that will impact illegals.  But as a state, we've become an illegal destination spot as we remain one of two states in the country that does not require proof of citizenship to get a license.  Because of the legal status of a license, the illegals coming here see that document to burrow even further into American society.  The results are well known, and it's time to put an end to it.  Since the fringe-democrats running our government want the illegal alien vote, they do nothing to stop this crime.

A recent example of even a deep, dark, blue state like Maryland addressing the illegal alien in state tuition issue through an initiative process can be found here.  The statistics of who signed these initiatives are startling and bi-partisan.  The response from the racist pro-illegal alien groups was equally predictable.  And if they can do this in Maryland, we can damned sure do it here.

These initiatives write themselves, and we could become the battle ground state for taking back control without running far afoul of either the fed or the courts.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Other than Hispanics, Teachers unions & some Progressives, all of those ideas sound cross-ideological to me. I wonder which Special Interest is the most responsible for blocking your ideas?


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