Sunday, July 31, 2011

The delusion that is Steve "The Liar" Stuart... Send C-Trans and thugs like Stuart a message... vote "no" on their scam.

Democrat county commissioner Steve "The Liar" Stuart earned his moniker the same way Tim "The Liar" Leavitt earned his: Lies were a major part of his campaign, a campaign he barely won against a complete unknown.

That said, he really earned it today with this quote:
Let’s keep light rail out of the discussion. For now.

“There’s no connection between this November’s vote and light rail. Zero,” Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart, also a C-Tran board member, said last week.
It has everything to do with the despicable scam he's been running along with his running buddy, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt.

You see, Steve, it has EVERYTHING to do with it.  The connection is inescapable.

We all know that our mayoral slimeball was elected with Stuart's strategy of making up the "no tolls" lie.

So, when you combine that with Stuart's campaign lie:
That's right, late in Stuart's despicable campaign, he lied:
As a member of the C-Tran board, Stuart said, he worked to protect lower fares for disabled riders and fought a move to cut transit services to the disabled.
As for light rail, he said, “My focus is to provide you with a vote, and because of the work we did, there is going to be a vote next November.”
It's hard to escape the conclusion that this vote should not be used as a protest vote... a vote against scum like Stuart and Leavitt; a vote against the corruption and affront to democracy they represent; a vote against the kind of government where a small group of people who will benefit directly and indirectly from this scam are uniquely positioned to hurt tens of thousands of people.

Of course, it was the scum like Stuart who screwed us with a gerrymandered C-Trans district in the first place... a district where 100,000 or more voters were excluded from voting, but not paying the tax these scum rammed down our throats; a feat accomplished by including every major retail store in the county within their "district."

Stuart, like Leavitt, should resign immediately.  There brand of integrity is too much like that of Hitler and the "we have peace in our time" types back before the war.

They represent the worst in local politics.  And every time they open their mouths, it's likely that lies are coming forth.

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