Sunday, July 24, 2011

The cowardice of Jaime Herrera: We can't touch Social Security.

Ridgefield Barbie signed off on yet another propaganda piece prepared for her... showing yet again that the one thing we can count on her for is to lie, and the other is to lack the courage and vision that members of Congress MUST have to get us out of this mess.

She tells us:

"I am not a DC veteran?" Seriously? Part of your election campaign shtick was your lies about the job you had getting coffee for Cathy McMorris Rogers... you know, that "Senior Legislative Assistant" lie of yours?

How come you were a DC veteran THEN... but you're not a "DC veteran" NOW? Obviously, whoever wrote this garbage for you doesn't know you.

Your bizarre insistence that Social Security is off the table shows you to be the gutless disappointment I knew you were going to be.

EVERYTHING has to be on the table. EVERYTHING. And that INCLUDES Social Security. Because as much as people depend on it now, they'll depend on it even more when it disappears because gutless empty suits like you put your re-election ahead of doing what's needed.

As for "Congressional Leadership," you wouldn't know it if it bit you in your wide-glide butt. Leadership means doing the tough thing... the hard thing... when it needs to be done. And that's simply not possible for a coward like you.

You had... and failed... your first test when you mixed it up with Tim "The Liar" Leavitt and he slapped you so hard your mom felt it and you went silent on the bogus issue you were trying to convince people you were on... but many of us knew you were just playing politics and you didn't... really... mean it.

We have the government we deserve. But I am ashamed that you're a part of it.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. It is obviously political when someone says they "can't touch SS." The first step is to only give it to the people who need it. Secondly, Medicare expenses could be even tighter. Third, quit putting SS withholding into the General Fund!

    But if politicians didn't cowtow to Special Interests, they wouldn't be in office long, (or even get into office.)

  2. I know the pragmatic aspects of all this... and I'm well aware of the special interest requirements to get elected.

    But I'm sick of it. I've seen it up close and personal in ways that have fried my DNA.

    So, the question becomes one of this: do we keep doing what we've been doing where we put our election and re-election ahead of what's best for the country?

    Or do those we've elected have the guts to risk their cush gig to do what has to be done.

    After all, the worst that could happen to them is that they lose their jobs.

    The worse that can happen to us is that we loose our country.

  3. Not touching it just leaves it open for illegal aliens and others who never paid dime into it to keep sucking it dry.


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