Saturday, April 02, 2011

Why would Qaddafi agree to a ceasefire?

Come on, people.

For Qaddafi, there is precisely zero percentage in a cease fire.

For Qaddafi, that would just mean re-supply and training for the rebel army.  Why the hell would he ever agree to such a thing?

This is the result of Obama's military incompetence.  Deer paralysis is not the way to win a war, and now we look like a bunch of clowns... deservedly.

Either hunt this guy down and blow him away, or get the hell out and leave him alone.  Let's skip the hearts and flowers BS, because if humanitarian reasons only apply in Libya, that makes us rank hypocrites in The Ivory Coast, Darfur, Somalia, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran and on and on.

Of course, we all knew this was going to be the outcome with the Empty Suit in charge... right?

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