Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat loses his mind: UW gives us what we asked for.

It's been awhile since I've read such clueless idiocy from Westneat as this.

The University of Washington's grand plan to screw the residents and taxpayers supporting it with our hundreds of millions of dollars by keeping our citizens from attending Huskyville in favor of less-academically qualified out-of-state students is just that, a plan to screw us.

Westneat, rather moronically, rises to the Dub's defense like Matthew Bryan-Amaning going after a soft floating jump shot in the paint:
A father of a girl with a 3.8 GPA wrote to me: "Reading about the UW's preference for out-of-state students made me very angry. How can our university, funded with our taxes, simply go elsewhere to get its students?"
Because it is doing what we forced it to do? Which was to act more like a business?
I'm sorry to be flip. But for decades now we've heard the demand that government needs to be more like business. Can't it be more self-sufficient, more attuned to the bottom line?
Well, yes it can. This is what it looks like.
Passing over local kids to admit out-of-staters — who pay three times as much to go to school there — is the corporatization, the privatization, of your flagship public university. And it's about to escalate, dramatically
This, of course, is a crock not unlike the democratian's moronic reasoning to support the horrific bridge replacement/loot rail project.

It is not what we, the people, want. It is not what we, the people need. It is not what government, and in this case, the University of Washington, is here to do.

Budget projections for the next biennium show that we, the people of this state, will be providing  $480 MILLION DOLLARS to the UW over the next 2 years.

The mission of the University of Washington is to serve the people, and ONLY the people, of the STATE of Washington.

There is no excuse for lowering standards to get more revenue.  In fact, it's grounds for a lawsuit, in that if a 4.0 gpa student from say, Chief Sealth in Seattle, is denied access to our taxpayer-paid institution in favor of, say, an out-of-state student with a 3.0 GPA... that looks like a suit waiting to happen.

So, no, Danny, it isn't.  And your moronic effort to refer to this as a business decision flies in the face of the mission of the school.  Hopefully, an amendment to the budget will be made to reduce the taxpayer subsidized portion of the UW's budget by the same amount they would increase by virtue of whatever revenues are gained from out of state tuition.

The commenter who observed: "This is an outrageous and egregious abuse of power," is, of course, dead on target.

This University of Washington Alum is here to tell you: Westneat is dead wrong.  And so are his union-loving sob stories that go with them.

This isn't rocket science.

You see, Danny, this is the deal: The UW has a job to do.  That job is to educate the youth of THIS state... no matter how much or how little (And by the way, Westneat, you do know that including this year, tuition will have gone up a mere FORTY PERCENT over the last 3 years... right?  If these fools can't get the job done with the hundreds of millions they're getting, then they're in the wrong business) money we decide to give them.

And if the clowns running the show can't seem to do that?

Then we fire them and get some who will.

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