Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Nail biter in Wisconsin: 50%-50% on Supreme Court race referendum on Walker.

Union swine in Wisconsin have, of course, lost their collective minds in Wisconsin due to Scott Walker's efforts to kick collective bargaining with public employee unions to the curb, a long overdue move that should be emulated across the country.

There are 2 candidates for Supreme Court.  The first is David Prosser, the incumbent.  The fringe leftists in the state ran their typical, slimy, extorted lies of a campaign against him.

The second is Joanne Kloppenburg, leftist shill and union puppet, who naturally did nothing to stop it.

The lead changes back and forth with 61% of the vote in, but allegedly, rural Wisconsin, which will go to Prosser, has yet to be heard from.

In situations like this, the leftist usually has to build up a huge lead to overcome the rural vote.  Right now, Prosser is ahead by 11000 or so votes. 

If Prosser retains his seat, this is a huge vindication for Walker, particularly in the face of the millions the union spent against Walker while tying Prosser to Walker.

Prosser loses, this will set the tone for a nasty 2 years that will set new levels of hatred and vitriol on the left.

Stay tuned.  Constantly updated vote count here.


  1. Let's hope when the rural community is counted, the margin of victory is enough to prevent a recount.

    You know how Democrats and recounts go.

  2. Let's vote on whether unions represent the working class. Wisconsin has a referendum. Let the people decide and not one man who never ran on this issue in the first place. Are you guys afraid of something?

  3. Anybody watching King County to ensure they aren't helping in the finding of extra ballots?

  4. SEO:

    Gee, I dunno... here, locally, we're not allowed to vote on a $10 billion or more waste of money to replace a bridge that doesn't need replacing to bring light rail in here.

    Those of us paying the bill for that crap pile won't be allowed to vote on it, and they've already wasted well over $100,000,000 and they don't even have a design.

    Why aren't we allowed to vote?

    Because the unions know that there is NO WAY the people would EVER consent to this project. Are the unions afraid of something?

    Your hero Obama has buried us under trillions in debt and we weren't allowed to vote on a penny of it, including the $84 billion he wasted to bail out the unions running GM.

    Why weren't we allowed to vote on that?

    Your hero, Obama, was the one who told us all when he acted against the overwhelming will of the people to ram his socialism down our throats in health care, bail outs and the like, that "elections have consequences."

    Well, how come when HE wins, they have consequences, but when Walker wins, you democrats tuck tail and run?

    Further, I separate out unions. Public employee unions, the ones actually under discussion here, only represent themselves, ripping off the middle class to get ever-more benefits and paychecks from an ever-shrinking pool of people available to pay them.

    You guys take care of each other, with federally mandated project labor agreements, and the forced extortion of prevailing wage.

    What we're "afraid of" is your sort bankrupting us. But that, obviously, doesn't bother you.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Interesting position SEO takes.

    He says "Let the people decide and not one man who never ran on this issue in the first place," as unions have poured millions of dollars into a campaign for one person to sit on a court to shift the balance of that court into their favor.

    As far as "not running on an issue in the first place," did Obama campaign on willfully bankrupting the nation and pushing gas prices through the roof?

    The people did decide in Wisconsin back in November. Why don't greedy public unions honor the people's vote then? Why do they instead honor those who pull a juvenile tactic like running away to prevent the government elected by the people from functioning?

    Why all of the childish tantrums from greedy public unions instead of stepping up and paying their fair share?

    From the antics seen in past weeks, it rather obvious that is the greedy public unions who are actually "afraid of something." Afraid that they might have to share in the sacrifice to get the country prosperous again.

    Pay your fair share, seo ottawa. What is so wrong with that?

  6. Debbie is a smart, hard-worki¬ng dynamo. She is the perfect fit to help lead our party. Whoever ends up being the Republican presidenti¬al nominee will come to regret that Debbie was tapped for this job.


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