Friday, April 01, 2011

Memo to Boehner: Don't you DARE fail to keep your promise.

At the very first leadership academy I went to (3rd Brigade, 3rd ID)  back in at the ripe old age of 18, back in 73, one of the first tenets of leadership they taught me was this:

Never promise nuthin' you can't deliver.

Mr. Speaker, you and your merry band told us that you were going to whack $100 billion from the current budget.

We're waiting.

Now, I get that you're going to have to listen to gutless nay-sayers like Ridgefield Barbie, but that comes with the territory.

You, personally, promised us to whack the budget by $100 billion this year.

Being a democrat like Steve "The Liar" Stuart, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt or Marc "The Liar" Boldt is not the way to get it done.

The scumbags on the left are claiming that you'd be willing to "compromise" if it weren't for the Tea Party (Of course, leftist scum prefer to use a different, more derogatory term)  but there is no room for "compromise."

"Compromise" is what got us into this.  "Compromise" is just another term for "doing it the way the fringe left wants."

When the tombstone of this Nation is erected, it will say on it, "Well, at least they compromised."

Yeah.  But our Nation will be dead.  And there is little room to compromise about being dead.

Don't you dare democrat... I mean, lie... to us.  Don't you dare.

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