Sunday, April 10, 2011

The ignorance of the non-serving fringe leftist never ceases to amaze: Laird on DADT repeal.

We can count on a great many things from John Laird when he spews his column in the democratian:

First, he will mouth the leftist party line like they were paying him.

Second, he will continue to engage in political bigotry like he was a staff writer on the Daily Kos,

Third, he will shoot off his mouth on any number of subjects he knows absolutely nothing about... like, for example, his deeply flawed and bizarre perspectives on homosexuals serving in the military.

Like most fringe leftists... Laird, Brancaccio, Rice, and the rest of the reporter staff of the democratian, none of them ever loved their country enough to serve it in uniform.

That was for those that the likes the fakir, John Kerry, told us:
“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
So, when a non-serving pogue like Laird tells us, or the military, what's best for us, or the military, it's a natural inclination to ignore his ignorant ass.

For example, his use of Marine Commandant General Amos, who is one of the strongest opponents of this social experiment that Laird has no concern over; because Laird never served and never will serve, so he won't have to deal with the consequences of his fringe leftist policy; to buttress his position by cherry-picking a statement out of the hundreds Amos has made on the subject, such as:
He said: "Mistakes and inattention or distractions cost Marines lives. That's the currency of this fight. I don't want to lose any Marines to the distraction.
"I don't want to have any Marines that I'm visiting at Bethesda [National Naval Medical Centre near Washington] with no legs be the result of any type of distraction."
Not only cements his fringe-left cred, but shows that again, there is no lie, or exaggeration, or falsity this slimeball won't use to make his point.

Laird doesn't care.  Because none of the blood this policy spills... and it will spill blood... will be his.  He will continue to brag to his buddies on the left about how politically correct he is, and he'll be attending parties and the like where his fellow travelers congratulate him on being such a strong voice for gay rights... the fact that he doesn't have a fricking clue notwithstanding.

He'll continue his efforts to destroy this country from within the cocoon the military he is striving to hurt provides.  because at the end of the day, Laird shooting off his mouth about military personnel policies makes as much sense as me railing on against newspaper personnel policies, something I don't do or talk about because I don't know anything about them and could care less about even if I did.

And if one person is scratched because of his policy, he'll be quick to blame everyone and everything else but himself.  Because admitting he was wrong?

That's as likely as admitting that he's gay.

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