Saturday, April 09, 2011

GOP cowardice and broken promise: Republicans have no reason to be happy, because this is just a sign of things to come.

As a former state party executive director (WA 2000 during Bush 2) there are times when I have been ashamed of the GOP.

This is one of those.

We draw a line in the sand. We make a mark. We take a stand.

Except then, we keep moving the line. And we keep moving the line away from where we should have kept it.

And if shutting this down is what it takes to do the right thing... then that's what it takes.

If every Republican is thrown out of office because they did the right thing, the correct thing, the thing that had to be done... then that should be the price these people are willing to pay.

But none of them have the guts to put their principles ahead of what is supposed to be their jobs.

This collapse... this cop out... is just a harbinger of things to come.

Memo to Boehner: Leadership means that you never promise that which you cannot deliver. If these things were not important enough for you to fall on your sword, if you are not absolutely sure that you can deliver?

Then keep your mouth shut.

Because to have us believe in you, and what you claim you're trying to do, you must deliver.

And here, you failed.

Tell us again... it was $100 billion you were going to whack from the budget, right?

And so, we're supposed to BELIEVE you're going to stick to your guns on the Ryan Plan?

Bull. When push comes to shove, you'll cave. Because like Churchill is supposed to have said:

"Madam, we've already determined what you are. Now we're just haggling over the price."

There are only two questions:

1. To get elected, what did the GOP promise?

2. When push came to shove, what did the GOP deliver?

What they promised was $100 billion in cuts, defunding planned Parenthood and National Public Radio.

What they delivered wasn't that. How does that make them markedly different than Obama?

And what makes Boehner or anyone else think the fist fight on the Ryan Plan will be anything different?


  1. Anonymous10:48 PM

    So the alternative is......?

  2. The alternative is simple: do what you say you were going to do.

    You promise $100 billion in cuts?

    Deliver $100 billion in cuts.

    You say you're going to defund NPR?

    Defund NPR.

    You say you're going to defund Planned Parenthood?

    Defund Planned Parenthood.

    DO what you SAY you're GOING to do. And if that means shutting it down... then you shut it down.

    Their failure to do what has to be done means when Ryan's Plan comes up, we're gonna get rolled again.

    Because the left will know that for all our bluster... we really don't mean it... and that gives them EVERY advantage.

    And we handed that to them for nothing.

  3. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Well, we have a one-week extension. It isn't over yet. We set goals, put our agenda on the table. It is pretty difficult to promise anything EXCEPT that you are going to give it your best. Let's DEMAND that the GOP give the fight all they have. If they have to shut down the government, do it. There is more than one way to get less government in our lives!


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