Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Five (Or six, depending on where you read it) trillion? It's a start.

So, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI 01) House Budget Chair has taken the first steps towards fiscal sanity. 

But they're only the first steps.

The Empty Suited, anti-American racist bigot currently in control will ignore this, as the left is foaming at the mouth in glee at the prospect of a government shutdown (Which, by the way, needs to be a TARGETED shut down, as opposed to shutting down the whole thing... much like a rolling blackout is used to save an energy grid) because while they've seemed to forgotten the massacre of '94, they haven't forgotten the mess Newt Gingrich made iof the last government shut down (It was a mess only becasuse, in the end, he caved)  and they believe with all their hearts (those leftists who have hearts) that they can harm the GOP if they do stand up for principle, restrain and fiscal discipline again.

I support a shut down.

Somebody with a much higher pay grade then I, once (or was it repeatedly?) reminded us that "elections have consequences."

Well, we must make those consequences known to those who have since, quite apparently, forgotten that element of governance.

Yes... $5 trillion is a start.  Now, we only have $10 trillion to go.

And Babs?  The next time you fret over cutting $10 billion from our $15 trillion deficit??

You need to go stick your head in a bucket, wander around Congress hitting the bucket with a stick, all the while yelling "I AM AN IDIOT!  I AM AN IDIOT!"

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