Saturday, April 09, 2011

An example of how worthless the House GOP truly is: Debt Jumped $54 Billion in 8 Days Leading Up to the 'Historic' Obama-Boehner Budget Deal That Cut $38 Billion

Doug Ross @ Journal with even more goods on the House GOP sellout.

Debt Jumped $54 Billion in 8 Days Leading Up to the 'Historic' Obama-Boehner Budget Deal That Cut $38 Billion

To illustrate just how unserious last night's budget deal was, consider that the debt climbed more in the last eight days than the entire amount of the extreme 2011 cuts ("extreme" is the word the Democrat Caucus told me to use).

The federal debt increased $54.1 billion in the eight days preceding the deal made by President Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) to cut $38.5 billion in federal spending for the remainder of fiscal year 2011, which runs through September.
That's right: even crediting the $38 billion in cuts, the deficit increased more than $15 billion over the last eight days.



And what goodies did the Republicans get for their courageous bluster?

Democrats knocked off most of the controversial policy riders that House Republicans had included in H.R. 1, the package of spending cuts that passed in February, including one on funding Planned Parenthood, which provides abortion services.

"We also prevented this important debate from being overtaken by politics and unrelated disagreements on social issues," the president said in his morning address.

Republicans, however, won the inclusion of a rider to expand the District of Columbia’s school voucher program and to authorize a Government Accountability Office study of a financial oversight board established by the Wall Street reform bill.
That's right: they didn't de-fund Obamacare. They didn't get a straight up vote on reducing the EPA's power. They didn't de-fund Planned Parenthood.


Oh: but they did get school vouchers in the District of Columbia.


Linked by: Michelle Malkin. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. My problem with this whole deal is that it looks like the House leadership has been saying over and over again that they would cut some imaginary significant number that they felt was a significant cut.

    That they shirked their responsibility, cowered down to another parties will and simply did not speak truth-to-power about what this nation is going to need to do to get back to a fiscally sound operation of the United State government.

    They did not have the fortitude from their elections just a year ago to hold the president's feet to the fire and tell him, NO this will not happen.

    100 billion spending to 3.8 trillion year budget is what? Less than 5 percentage point cut from the yearly budget? So it was simply a token amount that they felt was needed and a good start.

    Honestly, Less than five percentage points are just like getting a cut on your skin that will heal within a small time.

    And we still have not dealt with the continuing problem of entitlements that an increasingly larger amount by the year of seniors and disabled people are expecting they want, desire and need or virtually entitled too.

    And the people that are paying these bills are saying, enough is enough. I cannot afford to pay not one tenth of a percent point more in taxes. These people are going to have to also live within their means and find ways to cut wherever they can to make it. We are not in the age where we are mortgaging our future to other foreign entities and at some point in the future, they are going to call on their debt markers they bought.

    And the final budget deal was less than what the house leadership said they would stand for (as you see above a pittance amount) to cut in this budget. 38 billion is less than probably one percent of the total year budget. They honest cut and ran instead of sticking up and fighting the good fight?


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