Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Democratian attempts to trash me again, provides cover for Boldt: Where's the brotherly love?

Since my brother-in-law, Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt has started to carry the democratian's water like Gunga Din, he's been embraced like any other democrat by the downtown mafia.

The local rag, has, of course, been coming under some heat of it's own by me and by others who demand that they fulfill their long since abandoned duties of journalism over providing cover for Jim Jacks, erstwhile former democrat legislator in the 49th who bailed a few days back for reasons the democratian damned well knows, but refuses to share.

Clearly, I get under their skin.  They Rule 5 me (See section 7 of Alinsky's Rules,
Tactics:  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.)
through ridicule and the more or less frequent reposting or reference to their long ago printed, inaccurate, biased and slanted lies about yours truly.  Gee.  Who'd think these clowns would think and write like fringe left radicals?

Here's the latest iteration:

Where's the brotherly love?

Blog: All politics is local

Once upon a time, in a land not far away (Hockinson), there was a newly elected state legislator named Marc Boldt.

Boldt was kind enough to give his brother-in-law a job. But that plot line did not have a fairy tale ending
Here's the couple in happier times, in 1997 (Boldt is on the right.)


Later, Boldt became a county commissioner. And his brother-in-law spends his time blogging about how much he can't stand the man who once gave him a job.

A recent post from the blog includes these lines:

"As I pointed out before, my brother in law is Marc Boldt, unfortunately for us all, a Clark County Commissioner.

The post goes on to criticize Boldt for rejecting an idea for an advisory vote

It ends with this: "I worked for you, directly, for 6 years. I am ashamed that I ever knew you."

Wow. Wonder what Thanksgiving dinners are like?

Marc, I know you lied to me about an advisory vote, but could you at least pass the sweet potatoes?

Like many articles this despicable rag prints, accuracy was not paramount in this presentation.
First and foremost, when Marc hired me, I hardly knew him, let alone was related to him.  Becoming related to him through marriage took place a mere 11 years or so after he hired me... and 5 years after I quit.

Second, I had left the legislature after a 6 year stint some 15 months before that nonsensical bogus article linked was written.  So, whatever "ending" Rice is babbling about had nothing to do with Marc.  Whether Rice knew that or not is beside the point; the point is that when Marc hired me, I had no connection to him one way or the other... and had long since left the House before the rag threw their little snit at the link.
But issues like that make no difference to a rag based on slanted, biased exaggeration.
Third, the family dynamic had become increasingly strained long before I ever posted anything... as Marc Boldt became Steve Stuart's mirror, endorsing this democrat's candidacy over that of Tom Mielke, voting with him nearly, if not, 100% of the time, the bloom began to fall off the rose as I began to realize that the GOP firebrand this very rag so despised (and believe me, this bird cage liner published far more hate and vitriol against Marc then anything *I* ever had to say about him... just read Koenninger's moronic demand that Boldt resign as a result of his efforts to cut the Gorge Commission budget... the death threats from that to me in my office are, in part, why I carry a concealed weapon to this day, some almost 15 years later) had long since died and been replaced with a democrat chameleon.
Fourth, Marc had been a Commissioner for years before I expressed any of my growing dismay at his failure to exhibit Republican principles in return for a safe re-election... or what HE thinks is a safe re-election.
Fifth, does anyone believe for one minute that the rag would have printed this tripe had I SUPPORTED their agenda?
And finally, that Marc lied to me about an advisory vote is, apparently, perfectly OK in the stilted worldview of the bullies of SW Washington.  And yes, I note that this despicable carbuncle on our community's behind fails, once again, to link to this blog, because GOD knows that people might read it and form a different opinion.

But then, isn't that how they deal with this entire steaming crap pile of an unneeded, unwanted, unaffordable bridge replacement/loot rail scam?
Scum like Rice do not give a damn that Marc has been a great deal less than honest with me.  They only care that he's doing what THEY want and have wanted for years... and that *I* object.
And that results in the kind of crap Rice spewed in this post.

Odd, isn't it?  The rag is my number one reader... and as Martin points out... I get more press than Jim Jacks.  Go figure.
There.  Feel better, Steph?


  1. Obviously, evidenced by the back and forth between Brancaccio and I over the Jim Jacks cover up, they don't like not being the sole arbiter of information.

    Always remember, when you are taking heavy flak, you know you are on target.

  2. Yeah... but the hundreds of times these people check me out. You'd think, if they hated me so much, they wouldn't be my most avid fans.

    Facts, apparently, mean nothing to them if they can trash someone who opposes them. Unfortunately, I don't have Madore's checkbook, because somehow, I get the feeling the treatment would be a little better.

    Because a minor blogger can, in the words of Mr. Miyagi, no-a hit back.

    There's an irony here. These same people were sniveling about "bullying," yet if you oppose them in a way they don't happen to like?


    They pound you. Because they know I have no way to fight back.

    Why am I not surprised.

  3. Hey, you get more press than Jim Jacks!

  4. Good one, Martin! Well played!

  5. Well said, Martin and right on target.

  6. Let us state it more clearly, CCP probably gets more web traffic on his blog than probably the columbian gets for their whole news section.


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