Saturday, April 09, 2011

Brancaccio's most bizzare column to date.

The local rag told us that democrat former state representative Jim Jacks resigned.

They then went dark on hard news.

They thought democrat senator Craig Pridemore's playground childishness was a real yuk fest.  But excepting for that irresponsibility on both Pridemore's and the democratian's part (But hey, Brancaccio has shown he's quite the playground bully when he wants to be)  and Brancaccio's lame efforts to abrogate his responsibility to find the story, he's been much more interested in his self-congratulatory, self-flagellation then he has been getting us the facts.

At the end of the day, the corrupt and the "bad guys" have now been handed the keys to blocking the rag out.

All you've got to do is say "that's personal," make sure there's no paper trail, and voilĂ ! No story!

That's a crock, of course.

Had the name (Jacks) and party (democrat) been replaced by, say, Harris and Republican, there is no effort this despicable rag would not have made... no amount of speculation (as I've already pointed out the rag's hypocrisy on allowing "speculation" on any OTHER story, except Jacks') would stop or end or be verboten.

Countless editorials with the typical faux righteous indignation.  Countless columns by the resident hypocrite.

Instead, Brancaccio is hiding behind the lack of a paper trail.  Any other editor would have sent a swarm of reporters up to Olympia and demanded answers from House democrat leadership, fringe leftist state rep Jim Moeller, and the aforementioned Craig Pridemore.

You see, we all know that those people know what happened... as do the women involved in this.

The lack of a paper trail, of course, excuses absolutely nothing.  And the obvious double standard, where "speculation," forbidden by the rag when it comes to Jacks, ran rampant both in stories and comments to those stories when either Jim Dunn or Richard Curtis, both Republicans of course, were the subjects of their tender mercies.

There is no excuse... none... for the local rag to play dumb.  And Brancaccio's whining that Lew and I are doing everything we can to continue to remind everyone of their perfidy and their complete lack of ANY effort to either hold Jacks or any of the others accountable for this lack of information will continue.

It goes to the heart of the matter: the rag's position as the default leftist mouthpiece where they protect everyone who has, or is, supporting their agenda while working to trash all of us who oppose their Soviet style view of government is confirmed every day the rag allows this to continue by their deliberate failure to do their job.

In short, as I've pointed out repeatedly: if Brancaccio and the rest of the rag don't know?

It's because they don't WANT to know.

And no amount of sniveling by Brancaccio can change that.

1 comment:

  1. Any bets that when, and IF, actual news confirms what we all know, Brancaccio will be the first to stand up beating on his chest and bleating about how they were on top of it all the time?

    Just like Brian Baird's death threat being closed before the August 18, 2009 town hall, that they revealed 2 weeks after you did?

    I think it is funny too, Lou isn't getting a whole lot of support in the comments on today's column ;-)


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