Friday, March 11, 2011

WSUV whining and sniveling about budget cuts... but apparently offer no solutions.

Yeah, it's a sad story. My question is.... so what?

Aren't all public universities facing massive budget cuts? Isn't the playing field remaining level?

I get that most of the people approving tuition increases really don't give a damn how much students pay... why else would John White have voted for increases WITHOUT toting up the horrific costs he and his fellow travelers are imposing?
White has voted for recent Clark tuition increases, only to later tote up the impact: A 50 percent jump for four-year university students, from 2009 to 2013, should current proposals hold.
Shouldn't he "have toted up the impact" BEFORE voting for these increases? And would it have made any difference in his vote if he had?

Of course not.

This admission, of course, should disqualify White from having any input on tuition issues... but it does serve to verify the irresponsibility of those in charge, and how nonsensical the idea of allowing schools their own tuition setting authority actually is.

This article, effectively, makes me break out my smallest violin. With one kid at Clark this year and two next year, I know full well the impacts on those helping to pay the bills.

But the biggest thing here is the lack of solutions by any of these people.

We already know that, even in the face of tuition increases geometrically higher then inflation, these guys are in tough shape.

But the unanswered, and seemingly even unaddressed question is that:

How do we fix this?

As this article shows, anyone can whine and moan and complain.

The question is this: what steps do we take to fix it?

I missed that in the article.

And I'm here to tell you: whining and sniveling without solutions?

A total waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I attended WSUV in its first decade and was a pretty involved student. The waste and incompetence that is tolerated and encouraged by the administration is unbelievable. Very few of them would survive in the real world. It is a liberal haven for do nothings and burned our hippies. You can get a decent education there, but dont buy for one second that they have trimmed all the fat. Anyone with an opposing view is ran out of town. Indicative of "higher education" institutions, they have no regard for your money.


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