Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What makes censorship acceptable to the democratian? The subject matter.

Unfortunately, our community is cursed with a lying, manipulative weasel for mayor of our largest city.

His record is well known. His latest scam was having his bed buddy get up in front of the city council and proceed to trash those many in attendance wise enough to oppose the mayor's self-serving pap... as if the mayor and her were not connected at, shall we say, the hip?

So, The Liar Leavitt had to make up some bogus, completely unsupportable reason to censor the people who show up, week in, week out, to protest his decision to ram this steaming crap pile down our throats and who, in so many ways, remind him what a lying scumbag he really is.

So, this abortion to democracy cooks up a scheme to quiet them down a bit. He herds them into a corral, and lets them out every couple of weeks because unless he called out the National Guard, there's no way he could silence them altogether.

This, of course, is censorship. It is controlling what people can say, and when they can say it.

The slimeball running the democratian supports THIS censorship. But if the shoe were on the other foot... if the city of Vancouver called Brancaccio in and told HIM what and when he could print HIS positions... all hell would break loose.

Which gets to the heart of the matter.

How many of any of you reading this article believe, for one minute, that if the shoe were, in fact, on the other foot... if these people came in week after week in SUPPORT of this crap pile, that we'd be seeing any of this?

And that issue is why this is so completely unacceptable. It's unacceptable to anyone concerned about freedom of speech or expression.

The only people I've seen who see this manifestation of Nazism as acceptable are those who share the mayor's perverted view that the people should be enslaved to a life-long debt without their say or approval.

That, of course, is what's up with the rag.

The rag wants this built. They don't care about the multitude of negative impacts and costs. They don't care because for them, this is the best of all worlds. They get what THEY want, and WE (not them) get to pay for it.

Slime does the word a disservice. But considering what a bunch of lowlifes they are, should we have expected anything different?

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I agree with you that there should be time for citizen's communication. But what about ways to contact your council members via email, phone, facsimile or a directed comment during a face-to-face at a meeting?

    And at the very beginning of a meeting, before they start, you probably could drop off any communications to the clerk that handles the script writing functions.

    And how about using some form of Ustream, Justin.TV or some other form of free Online video, (several of them off free text to ask questions) invite the council to a live meeting event like the columbian DID and have a town hall meeting.

    I believe and ustream both offer online recording capabilities?

    All it would it take be someone with the gumption to DO it and invite them.

    Even David Castillo was able to do this for his congressional run for the 3rd congressional district.


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