Thursday, March 10, 2011

The ugliness of the I-5 Bridge isn't in its design.

The local rag continues to focus on the aesthetic outcome while ignoring the criminal process that arrives at the structure and the proven fact that building it is based only on the nonexistent requirement of loot rail and that once built, the bridge will have no positive impact on freight mobility or congestion. Nor have they spent any time discussing the impacts of vaporizing a $100,000,000 or more annually in local disposable income out of our economy... because these people don't want to know ANYTHING that would call their support and their decisions into question.

The irony of all of this is that no matter what may be built, IF built, it will stand for decades as a monument to lies, deceit, dishonesty, arrogance, financial injury, waste abuse and fraud.

These is no aesthetic possible that can overcome those facts.

So, as always, now that our little ship has felt the bump of the iceberg, those running it are siting around, discussing the floral patterns on the table cloths... even though they seem to feel a little wetness at ankle level.

The article in question, just one in the never-ending series that completely ignores the massive opposition to this monumental waste of money, time, effort and energy; talks about garbage that really makes no difference, as long as these clowns are dead set on getting this thing built without our permission.

No... the ugliness rests with the lopsided, horrific coverage the rag has given this process, coverage that routinely ignores the massive opposition, coverage that has used bogus polls, coverage that has vilified and insulted those with opposing views; not me, least of all.

The ugliness rests with a total liar, who ran on a platform of opposing tolls, only to flip as a wholly-owned, corrupt politician, now using lies as a reason to censor his opposition.

The ugliness rests with an arrogant county commissioner who allowed his true face to show when he referred to arguably the chief opponent of this project a "crackpot."

The ugliness rests with an arrogant government who refuses to allow us to vote because they've known all along what the outcome of such a vote would be... and why let the will of the people interfere with an agenda?

The ugliness rests with the fact that the vast majority of those cheerleading for this horrific waste will not have to pay for it.

If Michelangelo designed this steaming pile, it could not overcome the ugliness that the democratian and their fellow travelers are ramming down our throats.

And it's just a shame they can't... or won't... see that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Here is some nice video from TheCRCtruth...


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