Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sound Politics: Democrats caring for democrats.

Kinda speaks for itself.

Re: King County Executive Dow Constantine concurrently hires his campaign consultant for both personal campaign and county project
I reported last month that King County Executive Dow Constantine had hired his campaign consultant Christian Sinderman (principal of Northwest Passage Consulting) for a $100,000 ($278 / hour) "strategic communications" engagement at the Executive's office. I recently received requested copies of e-mails and other documents related to Sinderman's work for the county.
I'll post the more enlightening of these. First, here's a cover letter from the Executive's Communications Director, Frank Abe, to "provide context" for Sinderman's engagement. Among other things, Abe claims incredibly that Sinderman was "hired through an open, competitive process". In my experience it's unusual for unsolicited explanatory letters to accompany the response to a public records request. I take this to mean they understand very well how bad it smells to put the boss' campaign consultant on the taxpayer's payroll.
Posted by Stefan Sharkansky at March 30, 2011 11:51 AM | Email This
Don't you just love this kind of taxpayer abuse?

I think Dow's got some 'splainin' to do.

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