Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movement is on by state GOP legislators to strip tribal casinos of their tax exemptions.

Of course, everyone involved in the megacasino scam knows that their parent tribe, the one along with the Paskenta down in California, the ones making all the money off this criminal enterprise, the Mohegans, have to pay Connecticut $400 Million a year in taxes for their operation.

The proposed Megascam in La Center?

Nothing.  Not one dime.

There's a movement underway to join with democrats demanding that state tax loopholes be closed.  And in this case, an almost $2 BILLION yearly loophole is open enough to drive a truck through it.

Here's the information.  I look forward to this bi-partisan effort, because in the past, the tribes have owned democrats as much as the unions... and that level of ownership was SUPPOSED to have been outlawed by both the Emancipation Proclamation AND the 13th Amendment.

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