Wednesday, March 30, 2011

More from the "Religion of Peace" (tm)

As CNN reports:

Only 14, Bangladeshi girl charged with adultery was lashed to death

By Farid Ahmed and Moni Basu, CNN
March 29, 2011 -- Updated 2309 GMT (0709 HKT)

Darbesh Khan and his wife, Aklima Begum, had to watch their youngest daughter being whipped until she dropped.
Darbesh Khan and his wife, Aklima Begum, had to watch their youngest daughter being whipped until she dropped.
  • Hena Akhter, in her last words to her mother, said she was innocent
  • At first, an autopsy said she committed suicide
  • But later, the ugly details of her case surfaced
  • Her family says she was punished twice -- raped and then lashed
Shariatpur, Bangladesh (CNN) -- Hena Akhter's last words to her mother proclaimed her innocence. But it was too late to save the 14-year-old girl.

Her fellow villagers in Bangladesh's Shariatpur district had already passed harsh judgment on her. Guilty, they said, of having an affair with a married man. The imam from the local mosque ordered the fatwa, or religious ruling, and the punishment: 101 lashes delivered swiftly, deliberately in public.

Hena dropped after 70.

Bloodied and bruised, she was taken to hospital, where she died a week later.

Amazingly, an initial autopsy report cited no injuries and deemed her death a suicide. Hena's family insisted her body be exhumed. They wanted the world to know what really happened to their daughter.

Sharia: illegal but still practiced

Hena's family hailed from rural Shariatpur, crisscrossed by murky rivers that lend waters to rice paddies and lush vegetable fields.


Guess that's not as bad as "kill squads."

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