Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Moeller bends over for CRC: gets slam-danced for trying to add ANOTHER $31,000,000

You know, it's bad enough that Moeller is a total partisan hack on this issue... and it's bad enough that he's sat idly by as $130,000,000 has vaporized... for nothing.

And, of course, it's equally horrific that he wanted to waste ANOTHER $25,000,000 in the next transportation budget...

But on top of that, The Mouth made a serious effort to actually jack that $25,000,000 up by an additional $31,380,000 flushed down the crapper for an unbelievable total of $56,380,000 in the next budget.

So, how'd that work out for you, Jim?

What's that? You were on the wrong end of a 28 to 1 vote?

How embarrassing for you... and those special interests that own you?

Man... I bet THEY are pissed.

1175-PS AMH TR H2334.1

By Representative Moeller

PSHB 1175 (H-2093.9/11) - H COMM AMD
By Committee on Transportation

1 On page 32, line 22, increase the Motor Vehicle Account--Federal

2 Appropriation by $31,380,000

3 On page 32, line 29, correct the total

4 On page 34, line 14, after "and" strike "$16,679,000" and insert

5 "$56,380,000"

EFFECT: Increases the federal appropriation by $31,380,000 for the Columbia River Crossing project.

FISCAL IMPACT: Increases the federal appropriation by $31,380,000.

--- END ---
I'm given to understand there was precisely one vote for this obscenity... Moeller's.

Now, if someone will just run another amendment to strip out every penny for this crap hole....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I Hope the people of Clark County know that the money that has already been spent on the CRC budget would have funded the operations on our current bridge for the next 100 years give or take a decade...No lie. You should try to find out how much was paid out for people standing on the sidewalk and at the red lion to look out for and count seals that may have been disturbed during pile driving tests on the river recently. It is after all, "your money"


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