Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The irony of Stewart, Burkman and his nonsensical "will of the body."

With the exception of Jeanne Stewart's unfortunate and ill-timed stand against council members paying a portion of their health care premiums (since rectified) I've always been pretty much on board with Jeanne Stewart's political positions.

In this instance, her well known, accurate and cogent objections to the crime of the bridge replacement/loot rail are of course, directly on target.

Stewart was removed from the C-Trans board because she did what she was supposed to do. She represented the people and using their input, voted to split the upcoming, and now not happening, CTrans/loot rail maintenance and operation vote.

Burkman, best known for being defeated by Pat Campbell in a democrat primary for state representative after having been anointed and having $93,000 cash on hand whole Campbell spent something like $200, supported removing Stewart; because, well, dissent vil not be tolerated!

And this is where the irony comes in:

“We had an open, forthright discussion here about the C-Tran vote, in which you did a great job expressing your views,” he said. “As a body, we arrived at a conclusion and directed C-Tran representatives to cast a vote of the will of the body” as city council policy dictates.

“It’s a cut-and-dried thing — you were removed from that position for failing to... honor the will of the body,” he said.

So, there you have it. The "will of the body" ONLY matters to the bridgers/looters when it's the body they're sitting on.

In short, because these clowns are doing everything they can to keep us from voting on any aspect of this project, the don't care about the will of the people... just the will of their committee or their council.

Odd, isn't it? These scum savage someone who, as it turns out, was directly on target with her concerns which were more than accurate at the time; because to them... it doesn't matter if she was right (she obviously WAS right) it just mattered that she do what they told her to do.

How communist.

Stewart was right; these people threw a fit and fired her off the board, and now, they're taking away any pretense of a vote for the "body" whose will should, but obviously doesn't, matter the most... the voters at large.

And memo to Larry Smith: these is precisely no need for any "delay," save that which you bridgers/looters are artificially imposing.

You people are stalling in the hopes the legislature will do your dirty work and make an election... a vote on this... moot, by jacking up tolls to pay for maintenance and operation.

So, yeah... I see the irony of Burkman whining about "the will of the body" while doing everything he can to silence "the will of the people."

I wonder if he sees that.

Somehow... I doubt it.


  1. That term Jack used, "The will of the body" makes my skin crawl.

    We know he doesn't mean the "will of the body" in terms of Vancouver's citizens, but the majority of the 7 sitting on the council.

    Tim fumbled on Lars Larsens show about being elected to represent and make decisions affecting the community, which is true. But, a project of this scope and expense should never be left in the hands of a handful of elected people and ignoring that every time the people have been given a voice, it is defeated.

    That is not representative governance but dictating. No one is ever elected to dictate.

    Burkman also speaks of asking the people for tax dollars.

    That is a load of manure. As I said to him, they have yet to ask us, they have been telling us we will whatever it is the "will of the body" demands of us.

    I don't always agree with Jeanne Stewart either, but she was dead on over this one.

    As far as I'm concerned, if they succeed in preventing a vote on Loot Rail, I intend to vote no on C-Trans.

    No vote, shut the whole damned thing down until they do.

    After all, isn't that strategy of the public unions they praise?

  2. If you feel the need to vent to your state legislative representatives, SATURDAY will be a great time to do it since the four legislative bodies (15th is going to be a teleconference on Monday due to the size & nature of the distance of it.)

    Here is the source for my commentary:

    Hope to see you all there. :)


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