Friday, March 18, 2011

Idaho gets it: How far behind IS Washington, anyway?

Totally speaks for itself. From Reuters:

Idaho is latest state to curb state workers' union

SALMON, Idaho Thu Mar 17,
2011 4:17pm EDT

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - Idaho's Republican governor on Thursday signed into law a measure that strips public school teachers of some major collective bargaining rights and does away with teacher tenure.

Butch Otter is the second governor to sign such a measure this year, after Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed legislation curbing that state's public workers union last Friday.

The Idaho law limits collective bargaining by the 12,000 teachers represented by the Idaho Education Association, the state teachers union, to salaries and benefits.

That means educators can no longer negotiate such issues as teacher workload and class sizes. It also does away with teacher tenure and limits contracts to one year.

In a statement accompanying the signing, Otter pledged the measure would "improve the ability of our public schools to fulfill their mission of educating Idaho's children."

The law comes amid high-profile battles in Wisconsin and other states with Republican governors and majority-Republican legislatures over measures seeking to curb unions, especially those for public employees.

Republicans say the measures are needed to gain control of deficit-ridden budgets. Democrats and their union backers say Republicans are ramming through union-busting proposals.


With the budget slashes we must face up to, this is the kind of thing we must be taking a hard look at.

Democrats run the show, of course, so there is little chance of that, since the WEA is among the unions that own the democrats in government not unlike slaves were owned in SOuth Carolina in 1830.

Maybe Zarelli's bill to kill the agreements of collective bargaining might do it. But there's little chance the democrats will ever cut pay when they can cut programs instead.

Fortunately, I-1053 passed and these guys can't stick it to us with more bizarre tax increases like Moellers cancy tax nonsense, destroyed at the polls last November.

Time will tell.

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