Sunday, March 27, 2011

Here's where Rob McKenna lost me: "Collective bargaining (for state workers) is a right."

 No, Rob... it isn't. And if you win, it won't be with my support... as if that mattered anyway.
On Other Blogs Today Seattle Times: Republican McKenna Says Collective Bargaining is a Right

By Josh Feit Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 2:21 PM 18 Comments and 0 Reactions Democrats have linked Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna to the anti-union reign of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker with murky lines such as: “His friends in the Legislature have introduced bills to eliminate collective bargaining rights for state workers.”
But Seattle Times reporter Jim Brunner interviewed McKenna last night and got this:
In an interview before the King County GOP’s Lincoln Day dinner in Bellevue Wednesday night, McKenna said he would not replicate Walker’s attempt to undo collective bargaining rights.

“Collective bargaining is a right. It’s not the problem. The problem is politicians who give away too much at the bargaining table,” McKenna said.

If he does get elected governor, McKenna said he’d work with unions, rather than “terrorizing them.”

Collective bargaining, or "collective extortion" as the taxpayers call it, is, of course, NOT a "right."

Public employee unions are not a right, so, of course, anything connected to those unions is not a "right."

Clearly, McKenna will sell us all out to get elected. Public employee unions and their democrat puppets have buried us in debt, with unfunded retirements, pay and benefit increases in the midst of a horrifric recession, law suits to keep screwing us, and a failure to even pay a fair amount for health care premiums. Our income goes down, and our taxes go up. And Rob seems OK with that.

You read it here first, just like you did for Dino.

1 comment:

  1. I like a few things McKenna has done, join the suit for overturning Obamacare for one, but have never fully warmed to the idea of him as governor.

    From his support of abortion, opposing banning birthright citizenship, fighting to reveal the names of signers of the R-71 petition to gay activists to his views of "alternative energy," his negatives are outweighing his positives.

    Add to the mix this pro-collective bargaining position and public efforts to distance himself from the hugely popular Wisconsin governor Walker, he can forget any support from me.

    We don't need another wishy washy establishment RINO.


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