Friday, March 25, 2011

Democrat State Rep. Jim Jacks (D 49) resigning effective immediately.

Due to some issue with a staff member. More as I get it.


  1. Seattle papers are reporting that not only is there no answer from his office, his webpage has been taken down too.

    Like you, I too am waiting to hear more.

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Any word? Can you confirm anything Lew Waters is saying?

  3. WEIRD! What happened? Did Jim have an office romance or some other form of dilly dally?

    You don't just drop a state office unless there some thing mighty juice going on. Wonder what the scuttle butt is on this one.....

  4. Darn it Kelly! You beat me to the Curtis and Jim Dunn references I was going to post in the comments....

    And you are right, unless this is some type of family issue with Rep. Jacks, all bets are off. Reemmber, politics isn't for the faint of heart.

    And I bet Rep. Jacks personal and private family and public facebook accounts are alive right now.
    If he is seriously as screwed up as it is said here, then he is going to get what he deserves. *IF* we are wrong, then we also deserve the consequential damnation.


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