Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Bridgers/Looters... have you no shame?

So, because the bridgers/looters and downtown mafia anticipate the results of Pridemore's gerrymandered screw-the-voters-for-loot-rail ballot issue to be a crushing defeat... guess what?

Efforts are under way in Olympia to make the tolls on the crap pile PERMANENT, and use part of the money to make up for the anticipated, resounding "no" vote that's coming up next November to run loot rail.

Two different sources... VERY different sources... have confirmed to me that such an effort is underway and that many of the slimeballs behind it have the letters "GOP" after their names.

One of the players trying to get this crap pile passed, was particularly close to our very own Ridgefield Barbie. Names don't really matter at this point, but this idiot is also Republican.

As Martin Hash wrote:
The plan now is to escape a vote by including the light rail maintenance as part of the tolls. Of course this is dishonest, underhanded, and arrogant - just the kind of thing we have come to expect on this project....
....There are lying, dishonest, underhanded, behind-the-scenes interests pushing their "urban planning" agenda by extorting CRC. It is not the engineers at RTC who are at blame - we must identify the culprits in this fiasco and hold them responsible.
I'd heard rumor of it, but didn't have enough to blog it.

Now I do.

And we will remember.

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