Thursday, March 31, 2011

Boldt shows his true colors: he wasn't just lying to me about an advisory vote.

As I pointed out before, my brother in law is Marc Boldt, unfortunately for us all, a Clark County Commissioner.

Boldt has twice endorsed his BFF, democrat Steve "The Liar" Stuart over Republicans, including fellow Commissioner Tom Mielke.

Now, I get why "The Liar" Stuart doesn't want an advisory vote.  Imagine the omelet of eggs all over his face when such a vote comes back and slaps him upside the head.

But the question for Marc is why, precisely, is it that you don't want one?  Particularly after YOU PROMISED ME TO MY FACE THAT WE WOULD GET ONE?


Unlike YOU, these legislators are TRYING to find a mechanism that will allow the people to have a say if they want to be enslaved by a program that will waste billions of dollars.

YOU and your fellow democrat DON'T WANT TO KNOW.

You have ARBITRARILY REJECTED ANY attempt for a county wide vote, advisory or no, and you offer no justification for silencing the people who oppose your vision.

Good, God... has Stuart got incriminating video of you or something?

What is WRONG with you?

I worked for you, directly, for 6 years.  I am ashamed that I ever knew you.


  1. Cross-posted from Columbian article:

    "Advisory" votes are a waste of money. The RTC has jurisdiction of CRC. Stuart and Boldt are on the RTC Board. Here are the rest. Lots of familiar names... Simply count the "fors" and "againsts" yourself.

    Nancy Baker, Port of Vancouver Commissioner Marc Boldt, Clark County Commissioner Rex Burkholder, Metro Councilor Jack Burkman, Vancouver Council Member Molly Coston, Washougal Council Member Bill Ganley, Battle Ground Council Member Jeff Hamm, C-TRAN Executive Director Tim Leavitt, Vancouver City Mayor Tom Mielke, Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart, Clark County Commissioner Don Wagner, WSDOT Regional Administrator Paul Pearce, Skamania County Commissioner David Poucher, White Salmon Mayor Jason Tell, ODOT Region One Manager Jim Honeyford, Senator 15th District: Bruce Chandler, Representative 15th District: David Taylor, Representative 15th District Don Benton, Senator 17th District Tim Probst, Representative 17th District Paul Harris, Representative 17th District Joe Zarelli, Senator 18th District Ed Orcutt, Representative 18th District Ann Rivers, Representative 18th District Craig Pridemore, Senator 49th District Jim Moeller, Representative 49th District

  2. Stunningly enough, I disagree.

    The cost for a vote will be next to nothing... another box on the ballot to mark and count. A few hundred that I would be happy to pay for myself.

    They are talking about wasting billions here... and doing so without giving the people any input on the matter of if we SHOULD be doing this.

    So, here's the choices as I see them.

    We do nothing, guaranteeing the additional waste of hundreds of millions alone, like the $400 million already wasted on the SR 520 floating bridge, without a single shovel of dirt being turned; and then this thing gets built.

    Or, we hold the vote... even an advisory vote... county wide.

    I know full well the downtown mafia and Identity Vancouver are controlling this process. What I can't wrap myself around is this: why do their votes matter while ours don't, and how is it at we had to vote on this last time but we not only can't vote on it now, but somehow are deprived of any mechanism to do so?

    The value of the vote is to put this assholes on notice: we know who you are, and when you come up for re-election, we are coming after you.

    Stuart is moronically quoted as actually BELIEVING that we want this program... that we want to be in indebted forever, paying tolls forever and higher taxes forever.

    He cannot be serious.

    Martin, you know damned well that these same people would be falling all over themselves to make this vote happen if they, for one second, truly believed the community supported them.

    This vote would also let Ridgefield Barbie know what side her bread is buttered on, and it would let the Fed know that we DO NOT WANT THIS.

    While there are plenty of others who may get this money, I say, "good for them."

    This is the wrong PLAN at the WRONG place at the WRONG time. We can do better... we MUST do better.

    And while an advisory vote may not impact at all, keeping us silent certainly will NOT impact at all.

    And I'll take a "may" over a "not" any day.

  3. I was identifying the people who are making the CRC decisions. A "feel good" vote is all well-and-good but I'd rather see the energy spent lobbying the folks in that list.

    If they put the "real" vote off until Nov 2012 - MY GOODNESS, that's a HUGE campaign issue. Make those elected officials state their position.

  4. A Bridge Too False
    By: Sid Sutherland, Vancouver Tea Party

    At first is all seemed so right… who would not want a new I-5 bridge with five lanes each way with light rail and a twenty foot wide bike lane to boot. But then slowly, ever so slowly we started to hear questions about the enormous costs and who would pay. Politicians who campaigned on a platform of a toll free bridge changed their positions once elected. People started to ask questions…

    • They asked why the new bridge moved forward when it was voted down two to one in a Clark County election, and also in Portland.
    • They asked why the Washington Department of Transportation was paying their employees to go into the community and promote this voter disapproved bridge.
    • They asked why five lanes each way on the proposed bridge would solve traffic problems when I-5 chokes down to 2 lanes in the Rose Quarter.
    • They asked why we are embarking on the largest government spending program in the history of Portland or Vancouver… this when government spending needs to be reined in.
    • They asked how will tolls on the proposed I-5 bridge benefit Vancouver or Clark County. They wondered how an expensive gatekeeper, between Portland and Vancouver, will benefit our local economy. They wondered how tolls could not have a grievous negative impact on home values. Dave Leahy, Hockinson, WA said, “This is like paying for hernia transplant surgery.”

    The voice for big government bridge spending is well funded but no one represents the commuter, the taxpayer or those who voted two to one against the bridge. Representative Jaime Herrera R3WA said she would not support the bridge until there was a vote of the people for a sales tax increase. Mayor Tim Levitt said her position “is disappointing and perplexing.” Hang in there Jaime.
    This bridge will bond out at FOUR OR FIVE BILLION DOLLARS with normal cost overruns. That is $11,300 for every single person in Clark County, the ones who supposedly “need” it. If you had a three year old car how would you feel if the final decision to buy a new one rested with the car dealer? That is the lot of Clark County taxpayers.
    More and more people believe it is normal for government to lie, spend beyond its means and fail to live up to its promises. Can we trust government when they promise to remove the tolls once the bridge is completed? The history of tolls with a promise of removal is not good in this country.
    No one has paid me to deliver this message, unlike the unlimited bankroll of Washington Department of Transportation (WDOT) & CRC. I represent only the unorganized, unfunded voice of taxpayers in Southwest Washington. I hope you join with me in sounding the alarm.
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