Saturday, February 05, 2011

Yet another reason to withhold tuition-setting authority: UW wants to spend additional millions... on a basketball PRACTICE facility.

Now that Phil Nike has paid for that psychotic basketball facility the quackers use, the UW is suffering from basketball facility envy.

So, in the midst of this horrific recession where millions can't get a pay check, my alma matter wants to waste hundreds of millions of dollars on facilities they don't NEED, but DO want.

Tuition at the UW has gone up 28%... over the last two years.

Giving universities tuition setting authority would be the precise same thing as giving an Oxy addict the keys to the pharmacy. And the UDub's complete lack of situational awareness by sniveling about a quarter of a billion dollars in unnecessary improvements to a stadium that will be used all of 6 days per year at the expense of other athletic programs... and now... this?

February 4, 2011 at 2:41 PM

UW considers plans to build multimillion-dollar practice facility

Posted by Percy Allen

Standing on the sideline at Oregon's new $227 million Matthew Knight Arena, coach Lorenzo Romar said Washington is planning to build a multi-million dollar facility for the men's and women's basketball teams that would serve as a practice facility and a place for basketball operations.

(Is it hard to recruit against Oregon because it has Matt Arena?) "Hard to recruit against is not a concern. I've always said if they're hard to recruit against, that means they're better and that means our league is better. If we had a number of schools in our league like man, this is really, really competitive. This is just hard. All of these teams are so good at recruiting, then our league is pretty good."

(Do you run the risk of becoming obsolete?) "We got to do our job. If we just sit back while everyone else is getting better and we don't get better, well then okay. That's how it goes."

(What's first on your to-do list?) "We are seriously looking at a new facility, not where we play, but a new practice facility that will house our offices and the weight room and everything. It will be a nice improvement. I wouldn't change our place. I love our gym. I love how it's set up. I love the whole thing. But there are some other things that I think we're looking to improve upon and I think we'll get it done."

(Is that independent of the football stadium project?) "Yes."

(How far along are you in the process?) "Right now we're in the planning stages."

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