Thursday, February 10, 2011

More on the repeal of DADT: not all hope is lost.

I have to wonder... why is it, again, that the only active duty Medal of Honor recipient is leaving active duty?

As I pointed out on Lew Water's blog:

The country’s only active duty Medal of Honor recipient, SSG Sal Giunta, has decided to leave the Army.

One has to wonder: why would someone like SSG Giunta make the decision to chuck a cush gig that would see him rapidly promoted… and even see him get his education while on active duty… the reason, ostensibly, that he decided to leave?

Staff Sergeant Giunta is what all soldiers generally and Combat Arms soldiers particularly aspire to be. He’s self-deprecating, an expert in his craft, a true professional.

His military future, where he would likely be restricted from ever being in harm’s way again (Having a MOH recipient get killed in combat would be the ultimate embarrassment) and he would have his choice of schools and assignments. He could, in effect, write his own ticket.

One has to wonder: did the horrific, short-sighted, politically, damn the results decision to overturn DADT play a role?

Or is this just a coincidence?

The repeal is bad policy that will cause many more problems than it’s worth. And the Empty Suit will use it as just another notch in his political gun belt.

Is SSG Giunta the first casualty of the DADT repeal?

In the interest of full disclosure, I have found nothing to indicate that's the case.

But I also know that given the scrutiny he's under, his appearances and speeches and press interactions are tightly controlled and scripted.

What will he have to say when he's out of reach of his keepers?

Are there many more... many tens of thousands more... who are going to leave with a whimper... and not a bang?

And then where will we be? And why doesn't our leadership seem to give a damn?

Lew suggested that I review some articles at an online magazine called "Whistleblower," specifically by Medal of Honor recipient, Major General Pat Brady among others.

There are telling issues raised in this edition... issues that I have yet to see addressed, or even mentioned... by those who are so willing to trifle with the defense of the United States in return for political brownie points.

Go on over and take a look. It's worth it.

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