Friday, February 18, 2011

Malin's Hypocrisy: Esser is a "freakin embarrassment?" What about YOU?

Here's a mini-bio of Nan Malin.

Nan is hopefully the former chair of the Pacific County GOP. She is a pathological political liar, she ran a county GOP organization only to further her own personal agenda of self-aggrandizement that netted precisely ZERO GOP candidates anywhere in the county she ran in the last election.

Malin was one of the early laydown Herrera kool aid drinkers, which led to her essentially psychotic lies such as these in the slimebag's LTE, written by a Herrera campaign staffer as scummy as Herrera herself and published in the Chinook Observer on Aug 10, 2010:

Letter: Benton's letter lied; in fact, Herrera is a true conservative
With the primary election under way, letters endorsing and supporting one candidate over another are expected. But Sen. Don Benton's letter last week crossed the line with his downright misleading lies!

As the only candidate in the race currently in elected office, it's fine to judge Jaime Herrera on her voting record, but Sen. Benton is not being truthful about the bills he cites as evidence. HB 1329 would not force workers into government unions, and Senator Benton knows this, since he in fact voted for it! (But you don't have to take my word on it as all legislation and votes can be found online. I would encourage you to research it for yourself.) As for the accusation that she voted to "raid" the state's savings account, the Democrat majority was already voting to spend the money. Is Senator Benton saying he would have preferred even more tax increases?

Rep. Jaime Herrera has a very fiscally conservative record in Olympia. The Evergreen Freedom Foundation has her at the bottom of their "Big Spender List," for sponsoring $0 in tax and fee increases in 2010 (a better rating than Sen. Benton). Her experience in Olympia and work as a legislative aide (to Eastern Washington conservative Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers) will be invaluable in the legislative budget battles sure to occur in the next Congress.

Herrera is also an experienced campaigner, winning 60 percent of the vote in her 2008 state representative race, and has easily out-paced the other Republicans in the race in fundraising. These are not small points to consider when the Democrats are running a veteran politico who has already put several hundreds of thousands of his own money into his campaign.

The Pacific County Republican Party Convention was so impressed with her above the other candidates that they voted unanimously to support her. The election in November is so important. If you feel that the growth of federal regulation and spending are out of control, that our economy is being smothered by too much government, then I hope that you will join me in making sure that our Congressional District is represented in 2011 by a true conservative, Jaime Herrera.

Nansen Malin
The slime she spewed here was addressed in my post of August 10 on Jaime Herrera Watch:

Herrera Kool Aid drinker Nan Malin has lost her mind: Calls Sen. Benton a liar

So now I've got to ask: for a slimy worm like Malin to attack someone else for something like this?

To me, it's kind of like Himmler complaining that Hitler "wasn't Nazi enough."

While we may be better off with her absence from the WSRP Exec Board, given Esser's mercenaryism, one has to wonder what value the WSRP organization has except to it's own members.

For MALIN to comment about anyone ELSE?

That's just over the top.

Thanks to the note from Lew.


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