Friday, February 25, 2011

Congrats to the Wisconsin House: One down, one to go.

The whining and sniveling cacophony from the democrats in Wisconsin frequently rose to the unbearable level and then rose to deafening when the left had done to them what they oh so frequently do to the right.

Short memories, eh? Democrats have done PRECISELY the same thing and the same kinds of things when they were in power. Now the shoe is on the other foot? Not so good.

Those shooting off their mouths at the federal level, from the Empty Suit on down, shut out the GOP on almost every bill of substance for the past 2 years. And those post-Tucson pleas for civility?

Sheer, unadulterated, hypocrisy.

Well, as the leftists told us back in November, 08, elections have consequences.

Again, state employee unions are not required. Once you get past that, everything else falls into place.

For example, what they call "worker's rights" are not, in fact, "rights." They are, instead, democrat give-aways to our detriment.

A mere 5 years ago, our budget for this state was $26 billion. When I first became a legislative staffer back in '95, it was $13 billion if memory serves. This year, without even beginning to address our massive unfunded union pension liabilities, it's what... $37 Billion?

And where does most of that money go? And when the issue of give-backs was brought up by the Governor, what did state employee unions do?

They sued her.

That's right... these selfish, spoiled rotten punks sued the governor (and all of them lost) because she had the temerity to actually face the fiscal realities confronting her (Better late than never) for once.

Union power costs us hundreds of millions of dollars. Required labor agreements will, for example, add at least $1 billion to the laughingly low cost projections for the bridge/loot rail project the downtown mafia is so in love with.

Taking away public employee's "collective bargaining rights" (As if such a thing WAS, in fact, a right) seems to me to be a solid first step to return the unions and public employees back to their status as servants to the people... instead of masters of the people.

They had their chance to get out in front of all of this, taking the lead. Instead, they have to be dragged, like Governor Wallace is dragging them, kicking and screaming every step of the way.

Had they read the tea leaves and saw where all this was going a year or two ago... had they got out in front and started taking pay and benefit cuts that mirrored the public sector, the issue of collective bargaining wouldn't even be under discussion. But they didn't, because they didn't care. Their lackeys were in charge, they didn't NEED to do it and they couldn't be forced back then... so instead of doing the right thing, they just stuck to their guns.

And now what do they have to show for it?

Now, get rid of that idiotic requirement that forces the taxpayers to get shafted by paying prevailing wage. That'll make the next huge difference.

Force unions to compete for their relevance, take them down off their lofty perch, and get them to realize who they work for.

As for the playground crap these fringe-leftist nutters brought?

It'll make dandy campaign commercials as the left gets busted up in 2012.

Until then... take 'em down.

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