Friday, February 25, 2011

Chance to whack the federal budget another $20 billion. How'd Ridgefield Barbie vote?

That's a tough one.

You can read it all for yourself:

UPDATED: House Fails to Adopt $20B in Additional Cuts

Republicans Miss Opportunity to Honor Pledge to America

Washington, D.C. – The House of Representatives voted 147-281 against an amendment offered by RSC Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), which would have cut an additional $20 billion in spending from H.R.1, the bill to fund the government for the remainder of fiscal year 2011. Heritage Action for America was an outspoken proponent of the amendment.

“The failed vote on Jordan’s Amendment is a missed opportunity,” Heritage Action CEO Michael A. Needham said. “This amendment would have put House Republicans in full compliance with their Pledge to America, which promised to rollback non-security discretionary spending to 2008 levels.”

Currently, H.R.1 cuts non-security discretionary spending to approximately $398 billion, $20 billion shy of the 2008 level.

“We congratulate the 147 Members who voted to uphold their Pledge,” Needham continued. “And while the underlying bill takes an important first step forward, we know they can and must do more if America is to remain an exceptional nation.”

Today’s vote was just the first of many legislative battles over spending, and the future of our country. Heritage Action for America will encourage Congress to cut spending to put our country on the path towards prosperity and will hold Members accountable to their Pledge and their constituents.

The following 92 Republicans opposed the amendment, along with every Democrat:


Doc Hastings (WA-04)

Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-03)

David Reichert (WA-08)

One thing surprises me.

That Barbie got permission from McMorris to vote the opposite from her. But that's it.

Voting with the left is something Babs is absolutely qualified on, given her SEIU history and her efforts to help the fringe leftists vaporize the last $229 million in the Washington State Budget Emergency Fund shortly before her abortive tenure as my State rep ended... thank God.

The more she votes... the more she's going to show her true colors.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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