Thursday, February 03, 2011

CDR Salamander: The US Naval Academy discriminates based on race, creed color and origin in Admissions.

It's racism, pure and simple.

But it's the ACCEPTABLE kind of racism. It's the GOOD kind.

And the warm, fuzzy feeling we should all have because our ships and naval facilities are run by the best we have?

Gone forever.

When the tombstone to this great America is erected, you can bet that it will say "They used to be strong. And when they died... it was pursuit of asinine levels of diversity that helped to kill them."

When I'm in combat, I damned sure don't want a platoon leader who got HIS bars as a result of his sexual proclivity (and it's only a matter of time until sexual orientation is added to race) OR his color to have determined if he made it into the Academy or not.

God Help Us. Affirmative action is a sickening concept under any circumstance. But in the military?

It's fatal.

Take it, Commander:

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Diversity Thursday

First things first: BZ to Earl Kelly and the staff at The Capital. They took the raw material from bloggers, whistle-blowers, and tips and combined it with good old-fashioned journalism to get the facts in-depth. They did the FOIA, they did the hard work - and they got the full story. Very well done.
Last February, the newspaper requested Naval Academy admissions and graduation data under the federal Freedom of Information Act. The academy provided a substantial amount of information and granted background briefings. The most recent briefing and documents came two weeks ago. (The Naval Academy denied a reporter's requests to monitor the admissions board in action, even though all identifying information about students would be redacted from any resulting story.)

The newspaper located some former admissions board members, who agreed to discuss the situation providing their names were kept confidential for fear of ostracism within the military community.
... qualified minority students receive priority over qualified whites - 91 percent of qualified African Americans and 82 percent of qualified Hispanics were offered seats in the Classes of 2012-2014, compared to 55 percent of qualified whites. (During this three-year period, 31,155 whites applied, as opposed to 4,516 African Americans and 4,157 Hispanics.
Now, look at the numbers - red in tooth in claw. You want to "Operationalize Diversity" - well the numbers tell you all you need to know.


As a result, everyone now has to face the facts. You cannot ignore "a bunch of bitter anon bloggers" or "lunatic tenured professors" or "envy filled wannabees" or "crypto-racists" or any of the other silly names they like to throw about instead of addressing the core issue. You cannot get around the numbers - the United States Naval Academy discriminates on the basis of race, creed, color, and national origin in admissions. Again, as it is a zero-sum game; to give to one, you have to take from another. When you take away from the better qualified to give to the lesser qualified on the basis of race, I don't know what else to call it, do you?

1 comment:

  1. "Affirmative Action," aka reverse discrimination, is based on the assumption that non-WASP applicants are under-represented in the Naval Academy.

    In some top universities today, white people get the same benefit because applicants of asian decent are over-represented, and so are discriminated against.

    This is a singularly unpalatable solution that has survived court scrutiny - for now. Whereas a similar crux issue, gays in the military, fell opposite to your preferences, you'll ultimately get your wish to abandon Affirmative Action.


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