Friday, February 04, 2011

And this clown wants to be our Governor? Inslee: McKenna should back off health-care lawsuit.

Inslee is a total moron.

He's such a leftist shill that the Constitution, which he is, allegedly, sworn to uphold, is about as useful to him as toilet paper when he shouldn't move without consulting that document.

In the face of the complete destruction of Obamacare, he's obviously lost his mind, and to score political points in the even of a contested primary, attempts to outflank Lenin by telling McKenna he should fold a winning hand and withdraw from the suit... to increase chances the unconstitutional law he so admires will remain in force, further increasing the size of the mountain of debt he and his fellow travelers have buried us under.

I, for one, want this law gone. I don't care if this law would fix every ill known to mankind and dispense ice cold beer on top of it.

There is only one question this simple idiot should be asking himself, and that is this:

Is this law Constitutional?

Obviously, as I have repeatedly indicated, it is not.

And this man is proving himself unfit for ANY elective office if he continues to support a law struck down because it was poorly written and it requires me to do something I will not ever do: buy health care insurance because the law says I have to.

Way to go, idiot-stick.

Inslee: McKenna should back off health-care lawsuit

Posted by Jim Brunner

U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee isn't yet saying whether he'll run for governor in 2012.

But the Bainbridge Island Democrat is not shy about criticizing Attorney General Rob McKenna, who many expect to be the leading Republican contender for governor.

In an interview Wednesday at a Seattle coffee house, Inslee ripped McKenna for his continued participation in the 26-state lawsuit challenging the new health-care law.

"You are either with the people in this state to protect their rights to get insurance, or you are with the tea party," Inslee said.

McKenna has repeatedly insisted he doesn't want to eliminate the entire health-care law -- just portions he believes are unconstitutional, including the "individual mandate" requiring everyone to purchase health insurance or face a tax penalty.

But as Inslee and other Democrats have pointed out, the lawsuit McKenna signed onto explicitly asked for the entire law to be struck down.


It was a sad day that such a partisan hack was elected to anything... and sadder still that he remains in office... for anything.


  1. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Was Brian Baird not moving up to run for his seat or against Jay?

  2. The plan, as I understand it, is to pull an "Inslee," who was unceremoniously dumped after one term by Doc Hastings in the 4th, only to pop up and run again in the 1st.

    Baird has positioned himself, again as I understand it, to either run in the 1st when Inslee announces for Governor, or run in the newly drawn 10th District.

    Baird's math equaled being far enough away from the 3rd that his comments about "Brown Shirts" and the like wouldn't follow him. In 12, my guess is that those comments will be hung around his neck like a horse collar.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    So you are basically saying, Brian and Jay are going to be playing Whack-a-mole politics?

    If one thing does not work, pop-up as another renamed, new face and job title in the state or federal level washington state government?

  4. My guess is that given the fact that Baird moved to an area he has no real connection with, that this was a coordinated move so Inslee could hand the seat off to Baird.

    But hey, I could be as wrong as the next guy... but the location where Baird moved to tends to make that a reasonable conclusion, I believe.


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