Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I blew off the Obama spectacle.

Because of the history of our conniver-in-chief, was their any doubt that what was supposed to be a memorial would turn into a "Hurray for Obama" cheerleading seminar?

As the Resident Cynic, I do love validation.

Well, here's a little picture to clue you in: (H/T Sniper)

I wonder where all those shirts came from.

January 13th, 2011 by Brown Neck Gaitor

H/T AP cause I wasn’t going to watch a moment of that. Not when “TruckU” is
on Speed or the Caps are playing.

Gotta wonder: Did Clinton (Post Oklahoma City) or Bush (Post 9/11) have their people put T-Shirts out there?

Does anyone doubt that a link will be found tying Obama's people or some SEIU/Acorn type outfit to this?

Because Obama has lied to us so many times (Just pass this lil ol' trillion dollar porkulous so I can pay off my buddies in the AFL-CIO, and by golly... I'll keep unemployment under 8%!!!) that if he grabbed a mic and told us that it was daylight out I'd have to look for myself.

And yesterday was a case in point.

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