Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So much for the bogus civility dodge: Date night at the SOTU.

Now being refered to as "Date Night at the State of the Union," who better to illustrate our new-found civility then having the Belle of Botox sit with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor?

FOX News: Cantor Has Invited Pelosi To Sit With Him

FOX News' Jim Angle reports that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has
invited Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to sit with him at tonight's State
of the Union.

And then, to show how bogus even making the effort is, that same Belle of Botox?

  • I thank @GOPLeader for his #SOTU offer, but I invited my friend Rep. Bartlett from MD yesterday & am pleased he accepted

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