Friday, January 14, 2011

Redux: Why I blew off the Obama spectacle part deux: It was an Obama Campaign event.

As I mentioned in my earlier post below:
Does anyone doubt that a link will be found tying Obama's people or some SEIU/Acorn type outfit to this?
Well, it took a little less time than I thought it would, but here's the link: (H/T to Victoria Taft)

"Together We Thrive" Used by Organizing for America in 2008

We all saw the theme branded to last evenings "Together We Thrive" Memorial/Campaign Pep Rally in Tucson, Arizona, complete with T-Shirts and other
Souvenirs. Much speculation is ongoing about that these and just who paid for all of those T-Shirts and other souvenirs.

No one is saying just yet, but a February 2008 post in the Organizing for America blogs featured that exact theme (title if you will).

Click on photos to see larger

Even the buses were emblazoned with "Together We Thrive" as their destination.
Coincidence? Organized effort? For right now, who knows for sure? The university claims they paid $60,000 for the T-Shirts and a student designed them. HERE

The OFA page is still available HERE

H/T to FreeRepublic for the discovery
Yup. Watching the "memorial service/campaign event"=total waste of time.

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