Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pigs Fly: State DEMOCRATS proposing illegal alien driver's license law.

Imagine my surprise when I read that the DEMOCRAT chair of senate transportation had FINALLY, after a 6 year battle, decided to do something FOR the people of this state concerning illegal aliens, instead of TO the people of this state.

The bill that Haugen, Senate Transportation Committee Chair is going to allow is, naturally, her own. But at first blush, it looks fairly straightforward.
Washington State has done everything it can to avoid following federal law concerning driver's licenses, and the illegal alien population of this country knows it.
Why the sudden change of heart? Hard to say, given the democrat's efforts to secure the illegal alien vote, a natural outgrowth of their support for voter registration without requiring proof of citizenship for the privilege.
But this is truly a case of better late then never.

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