Sunday, January 02, 2011

Memo to munincipalities, agencies and social service organizations: when you whine about the money, have alternatives.

Legislators are not miracle makers. Darkening their doorways and whining that YOUR budget is going to be cut (EVERY ONE'S budget is going to be cut) and as a result, millions of people (well, thousands, anyway) are going to die in the streets isn't going to cut it.

EVERY cause is "worthy" in the minds of those shilling for it. Of course, these same groups could save millions by cutting their lobbyists loose (and how weird is it that agencies have lobbyists like private concerns?)

You simply cannot go in and realistically ask or expect YOUR cause to be better than anyone else's. Nor can you realistically expect money to appear where there is none.

For far too long, those of us paying the taxes that pay your salaries have been doing too much with too little, and now YOUR time has come to share in OUR sacrifice.

When you go in to see a rep or a senator, be prepared to tell them where you would get the money.

Explain where you would cut, and how that money can be shifted to your issue.

It's your only chance. And that's the way it should be.

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