Thursday, January 20, 2011

If only we could have a congressman like this (#217)

I'm a huge Allen West fan. I would cheerfully campaign for and give money to any effort to get the man to run for president.

He has more knowledge about security related issues in one fingernail then Barbie has in her entire body.

Compared to COL West, Babs is "unfit to carry the hod."

Here's an example:

If only we had West, a true representative of the people; with proven competence, a proven, valorous record;, a breadth and width of knowledge that Babs can only dream of.

And sadly... dreaming is all we can do as well.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. David Standal3:37 PM

    Kelly, What do you think Chris Christie would say to Allen West? I think he would call him islamophobic, even though Col. West is clearly speaking the truth. This threat is greater than public employee unions.

  2. I'm drawing a blank on both of these. More info, please.

  3. David Standal5:33 PM

    I don't believe Christie and West agree on the threat of radical islam. Christie was the only repub to attend dictator Hu's state dinner.


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