Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Herrera shows her cluelessness: "Praises parts of Obama's speech."

I suppose we shouldn't have expected any less from our own, local version of the Empty Suit in the White House. After all, any alleged Republican who could spew this:
“Not once have you heard me criticize Brian Baird’s performance in Southwest Washington,” she told the editorial board. “Linda Smith and Baird both have an independent streak.”
Is certainly idiotic enough to find reasons to praise her role model.

Barbie needs to remember that her first job is to represent us... not to position herself for a statewide run for the Senate. And in this instance, anyone paying attention knows that there was MUCH more to criticize then to "praise."

But not Ridgefield Barbie. And why am I not surprised?

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. If I recall, last evening, as he was making his grand entrance she reached out to shake his hand and gave him a sort of hug as well.

    I think I'll show up at her town hall planned soon, just to see how she does.

  2. Well, *I* think that unlike her two heroes, SHE has reason to be criticized.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    :) Are you sure Lew that you only want to have to stay an HOUR for that Battle Ground meeting? She's even beating Brian Baird record for non-associating with his own people.......


  4. Anonymous, although I imagine every response will be wandering off into something unrelated, much like the campaign, I would like to see how she react to the audience.

    Funny thing is, she said when she got her office that she wanted to make sure she had several chairs for all the constituents to stop by.

    The venues chosen for these town halls are relatively small.

    And, what about constituents in Lewis, Pacific, Wahkiakum, Thurston and Skamania counties?

    The district hasn't been redrawn yet.

  5. Honestly Lew, I think I would not have her compare herself to previous predecessors. She needs to listen to the diversity of opinion in her district. Each one of the her predecssors had their own flare, their own answers for the issues in the congressional district and in the time that they served. What is going on with the country now is not like what happened back then or time passed.

    One county you left was Thurston in Olympia which probably has her second biggest urban vote right beside similar amount of Clark County.

    So yes, I do agree, she needs to get around to her full district once a month to once a quarter. And that may mean she may have to move her differing venues to different places, every once a quarter to get around to everyone.

    If the three smaller counties right by cowlitz want to, I bet they could stop in at the cowlitz county meeting. And skamania county can come to battle ground for our meeting, though I am not incharge of those meetings.

    And if not, a nice well written letter, well placed phone call OR email might get some response? Or do you expect that this might be beneath a staff member or her to answer?


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