Tuesday, January 18, 2011

GOP State Senator Randi Becker = idiot.

So, arguably the worst elected official in the country today, Sam Reed, has found a moron to carry his "work reduction" water by introducing a truly moronic bill to require all ballots to be actually in the office by COB on election night.

Reed, who's tenure has been marked by his tireless efforts to reduce his workload by doing nothing to determine who the ineligible convicted felons are, save to send 30,000 or so of them voter registration forms; nothing to increase our voter registration security by requiring proof of citizenship and nothing to prove identity to vote... opening up our system for obvious fraud and corruption... has found a weakling, whining state senator to carry his next favorite bill, getting all the votes in by COB election night.

Becker was chosen for this non-honor because she had to wait a few days to find out if she won.

Big whoop.

So, instead of doing everything we can to increase the number of eligible voters voting, these two low-lifes actually are working to reduce that number.

And part of her justification is pointing to that train wreck to our immediate south, Oregon, as a model of how this should be done... kind of like pointing to North Korea or Iran as a model for anything.

Here's the deal, Senator: I don't give a damn that you had to wait a few extra days to find out if you'd won.

You say "we have to," but you provide absolutely nothing in terms of justification as to "why."

Except for some discomfort that you've survived, there is absolutely no reason or justification for this bill. Hopefully, it will die in committee. And hopefully, this term for Sam Reed will be his last.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Senator Becker was not up for election in 2010. YIOU made a mistake. Are you people not able to discuss your opinions without calling names?

  2. 1. Who are "you people?"

    THIS person was GOP thru and thru... even to the point of occupying the seat of Executive Director of the State GOP. Now, it's the issues that matter more than the packaging. And this idea is self-serving nonsense done at the behest of our Secretary of State.

    2. Having carefully read what I wrote, there's absolutely nothing in that post to indicate that she WAS up in 2010.

    Can't you commenter's comment on what was actually written... and without being "anonymous?"

    3. The article states:

    State Senator Randi Becker (R-Eatonville) wants to change that. Becker, who waited weeks to find out that she was elected, says "We have to look for a way that people get responses and tabulations in a timely manner." She says voters "need to know who their elected officials are."

    4. Can't Becker address the real concerns over our elections system without trying to screw the voters?

    5. And finally, you don't like the way I write?

    Then don't read it. But I am SICK of people in government at every level screwing, or trying to screw, the people they would govern.

  3. An interesting thought on this was brought up today on Victoria's program.

    This could also be a way, albeit not the most popular way, to knock out King County's ability to manipulate statewide elections in recounts and such.

    They never seem to have a problem receiving ballots late through their mail.


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