Sunday, August 01, 2010

Yesterday was a great day....

Yesterday were the finest 15 hours I, along with my better half, spent in many months, supporting the Oregon/SW Washington American Diabetes Association "Tour de Cure."

The morning at Hillsboro Stadium (and what a great facility THAT is!) was jammed with activities, set up, bike riders, staff, boxes, tables chairs and an amazing attitude for service were
prevalent. There were bands, tables, food, drink, different sponsors like UPS, Columbia Sportswear, Comcast Cable set up communications and a whole host of others gave up their days to help in this amazing effort.
Others arrived long before we did, and we rolled in at 5:30 a.m. to get our assigned routes and to get out in front of the riders so we could check to make sure the signs were still up. And unlike last year, sign-damage and theft was minimal to non-existent.

Each rest stop offered bike mechanics, high energy foods and drinks, great companionship and the knowledge that we were working on a project of the greatest importance for so many.
This was our 4th year involved, and the second year in this location. The people were fantastic and the participants and support crew had a great time! With 5 routes from 10, 27, 43, 65 and 100 miles long, there were levels of participation available for all.
Here's some pictures, but there weren't many because we put 360 miles on Big Red's clock.

A lot of signs picked up from the routes at the close. It was amazing how well the signs held up.
I look forward to it every year... the work, the people, the cause.
Three weeks from now it's going to be the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, a walkathon at Battle Ground High School that we do for 24 hours. This will be Luke Jensen's Victory Team.
I know money is tight, but please... either of these cause's would be well worth your cash... and your time.
I'll be talking about this next year as well. Have a great "what's left of the Summer!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your support!

    All this would not be possible without the SAG crews. You make the day possible.

    This was the third year my family and I have participated in raising money for the ADA - and we are looking forward to 2011 already.

    Team Tegan and Her Daddy


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