Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wrap up (Senate and Congressional races)

Well, by now we know that Patty Murray and Dino Rossi are the top two who survived to the general. Murray had bad numbers; Rossi had abysmal numbers, just less abysmal then anyone else running for the GOP.

At this writing, Murray shows at 46% of the vote, and Rossi's at 33%. Rossi's chief GOP rival, Clint Didier, is at 12%.

This must be a huge disappointment to both Rossi and Didier, who each expected far different outcomes.

Rossi is fond of saying that he's built up "$40 million in name familiarity." I'm given to understand that he even ran the same ads or ads remarkably similar to his failed gubernatorial campaign.

And for all that, he only has 34% of the vote?

It's likely he'll pick up a percent or two over the week as the typically right-breaking ballots are counted... as will Didier.

Murray is likely to see her number drop to 43 or 44 percent. This will throw a major scare into her personally.

And, if she continues to do something stupid, like bring the political equivalent of the Great Satan out here to fund raise for her, those numbers are likely to fall even more.

President Obama, next to Sen. Patty Murray, walks to the microphone at Grand Central Bakery in Seattle, where they met with small-business owners.

This is not the time to be gluing yourself to the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot's nonexistent coat-tails.

It may be that Murray is far too vested in Barak "Build the mosque at Ground Zero" Obama to separate herself from him. It's definitely too late for a "Liar" move, like he designed the fake issue of his bogus opposition to tolls to beat Pollard.

For whatever the reason, Murray seems completely disconnected and unconcerned with the political leprosy that is the Clueless One. Continuing to wrap herself around one of Obama's legs will do nothing but help Rossi.

That said, Rossi's decision to diss the Tea Party types will not help him in this close race. I will not vote for Rossi this election, and I'm reasonably sure I'm not alone.

Does that mean that Murray will win? Or Rossi? Frankly, I wish I could care. But this time, I think it will still be Murray.

Rossi comes across as disinterested and uncaring. I've seen nothing to show where he's modified his monumental arrogance... the arrogance that led him to allow so many others to run while he dithered.

Rossi needs every vote. And he ain't going to get them... and it will be nobody's fault but his own.

On the congressional side, the 3rd CD turned into a sewer thanks to Ridgefield Barbie.

Yes, she got the most votes. No, she is not qualified, worthy, knowledgeable or fit to be a member of Congress.

If she wins, SW Washington will not gain a new member of Congress as much as Spokane will be

(Herrera (left) and Cathy McMorris-Rogers (Right))

represented by two.

In short, if Herrera survives this, then we can expect her to vote close to 100% of the time with McMorris.

That said, Lew Waters shares a few well-chosen words over the debacle that has been this race.

No, I did not support her. No, I will never support her. Yes, chances are if she does win, she'll last a single term and we'll be done with her.

David Castillo was, by far, the most qualified, experienced and visionary candidate running. The same GOP types who got sucked in by Tim "The Liar" Leavitt who scammed GOP supporters (Leavitt is a stone-cold democrat) with his fake toll position voted for Ridgeifled Barbie.

They didn't learn from the Obama debacle. Those running Herrera learned. They took a chance since Herrera lacked the intelligence to actively engage in policy discussions that they could market her like Obama. They bet that the people who should have known better would just buy into the package, believing that the people have an attention span of a gnat.

They were right about that, and we are likely to suffer because of it.


  1. If Herrera's handlers are smart, they won't let her debate Heck.

    That being said, I was astonished listening to Victoria Taft's today and both Hedrick and Herrera called and admitted they decided weeks ago to "work together" to keep Denny Heck from winning.

    If that was so, why then was the target consistently David Castillo?

    The Ron Paulies that supported Hedrick got punked by the party establishment machine and don't even realize it yet.

    And I'm sure Judas got his 30 pieces of silver.

  2. It's just a matter of time until we get the goods on both of them.

  3. Anonymous2:46 AM

    :) CCP, that Jeff Dunham picture fits so well and says a 1,000 things I have wanted to say since the election. Thank you for using it!

    Now if i could just get a copy of that audio of Jaime and David having fun with Victoria Taft, I would love to hear it.


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