Saturday, August 07, 2010

Strange uptick in blog visits.

I'm mystified but appreciative: my blog traffic has recently skyrocketed, with many of those visiting becoming return readers.

I guess providing easily accessible evidence that supports conclusions and observations has its own reward.

Do you suppose it's the campaign season? Traffic on Jon Russell Watch has at least TRIPLED. Many of those numbers came from a rabid Jon Russell-supporting swindle sheet (oooppps. I mean blog) called CWWatch, where any criticism of Jon Russell is usually deleted immediately, because, well, after all, facts have no place in the political discussion over there.

But it took several hours for a link to Russell Watch to be taken down there over the past couple of days, allowing around 100 people to actually experience the freedom of thought, expression and opposing views this blog represents.
All in all, it would seem that the impact hoped for by many has turned into something of a joke.

But, anyway, thank you all so much to those behind this major influx of readership. It's appreciated.

More later, but now it's time to go out and wash and wax my big ol' red truck.

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch and Jaime Herrera Watch.
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  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I bet this will drive the Columbian crazy. After all all they did was expose your blog to the eintire readerhip of SW Washington. Nothing like free advertising!

  2. Dude, don't you read the paper? You're famous!

  3. Oh you sure are welcome.

    Even though I am hurt, someone told me that my name, "Lea Ortiz" is fake. I wonder what my daddy would think if he were alive, and why anyone would care if my name was fake? Now, if they had said, witchy was fake, well, I would have to agree on that one. LOL.....Carry on my brother. :)

  4. Well, I'd heard something about that. It doesn't seem that he quite got the outcome he was looking for.

    Linda Smith once told me that the only thing important is that they spell your name right.

  5. What I find most troubling is that while the Columbia has now pulled you out from behind the steering wheel for driving in parades, and I believe there are none left, a major scandal of possible national proportions sits under their nose.

    But hey, they got you out of the truck in parades.

    Some priorities.

  6. I think your take on it is right on target.

    I'm sad that my truck driving days are through for this campaign season. Of course, there being no additional parades to drive a truck in kinda has given me a great deal of time to get used to the idea.


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