Monday, August 16, 2010

Obama truly does have the tinnest ear in politics.

Our local version of Obama, Ridgefield Barbie, will be the test case for campaigns to come. Can we continue to support and elect candidates without substance, vision or clue?

I have, on occasion, mentioned that Obama has, perhaps, the "tinnest" ear in all of politics. His recent mosque debacle tend to confirm that observation.

While there is evidence out there to suggest that Obama is not a citizen... and that he may be an apostate muslim. But to date, all the evidence only "suggests" that these things might be true.

So, one is left to ponder: What was Obama thinking when he involved himself into what seems to amount to a local zoning issue? What did he possibly believe the outcome of his interference would be? Why would he slap the families of the 9/11 survivors by getting involved in this on the wrong side?

Why provide ammunition to those who despise him, those who suspect that his true allegiance isn't to the Constitution or this country?

I believe that building a mosque at Ground Zero is as likely or proper as building a cathedral in Mecca. And what are the chances the muslim world would allow that?

Allowing or advocating for a mosque to be built at Ground Zero makes as much sense as building a Shinto shrine dedicated to the Japanese war dead at Pearl Harbor.

The political calculus is beyond belief. On the surface, as we're spooling up for the mid-terms, it's like the anti-American racist bigot occupying the White House is bent on polishing his islamic cred over his American cred.

And all of this begs the question: Why?

One of the warnings from some of the more moderate talking heads is that it's being done deliberately to provoke the right wing into doing something stupid and racist. From some of the more whacked out right wing elements I've seen in the local GOP, that kind of equation is entirely possible. But to what end?

Anyone opposing the Obama agenda is already condemned as racist. Idiots like Harry Reid tell us that he doesn't "... know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.” Playing the racist card as loudly or as often just becomes background noise after a while. The leftist idiots are increasingly out of the political mainstream (Just ask Craig Pridemore) and as they see it slipping away, leftists will become hysterically victimized, claiming EVERY effort to oppose their agenda is race-based.

In short, those of us opposed to Obama will be labeled racist no matter what we do. And that needs to be an element in the equation. Will overkill on the issue make any particular difference 2 years from now?

Can Obama possibly find any greater way to activate the right and get them out to the ballot box? Is it remotely possible that he simply did not understand the impacts? Was this show put on for us... or those frequently portrayed as the audience he's working the hardest for?

It sucks to have a "d" after your name. But thanks to Obama, it's going to become the political equivlent of a swastika. (No, I'm not comparing the two. I'm talking about the political impact ONLY.)

Obama, thy name is "tin ear."


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Because we are American with a very special constitution, not Saudi Arabia. How many rights do you want to drop?
    Pat Campbell

  2. Pat, I think you missed my point, which is purely a political one.

    I'm not thrilled about a mosque at Ground Zero, but I also know I really don't have any say on the issue one way or the other.

    And the fact is, neither does Obama.

    I'm not denying he had the right to speak to the matter... just like I do. But why feed the flames of distrust and work even harder to get your political enemies active?

    This isn't a "rights" issue. This is a political issue. Obama speaking to it wasn't any more likely to either get this thing built or keep it from being built. He knows that, I know that and you most likely know that.

    Do they have the right to build a mosque there and jam a stick in our eye, making us the laughing stock of the muslim world?

    Sure they do. This is, after all, America, where being an idiot is one of the unenumerated rights in our Constitution.

    But POLITICALLY, what did Obama gain by speaking to the issue at all, except a more active right side of the political spectrum, the LAST thing he needs in the upcoming midterm elections?

    Galvanizing opposition is hardly a successful campaign strategy. Just ask Jack Burkman.

  3. I often wonder why people come to this country and then decide that they want to change it? Our way of life and faith are well known around the world...why would someone move here and expect the citizens of this country to change how we live and what we believe? If the US doesn't provide the environment that is conducive to Islam, Sharia law etc., then why come here? Would the gov. or religious leaders of Iran allow a Synagogue to be built across the street from a Mosque? Probably not...then why is it morally acceptable for this Mosque to be built at Ground Zero, especially when the Greek Orthodox church, which was there to begin with is not given permission to rebuild? What gives this Imam the idea that Sharia law should be tolerated in a country where women have been struggling to achieve equality for over 50 years? Why would anyone in this country want to take such a huge step backward? None of this makes any sense.

    This Mosque does nothing to promote relationship with the people of the United States, it harms that relationship...and building it goes against the tenets of their faith, so again, why?

    I agree...this is not a "rights" issue. It may be political, but it is a moral question that all people have to ask themselves when they make decisions - yes, we may have the right to carry an offensive banner down Main street, but SHOULD WE? There is something else going on here, everyone feels it and there are a lot of people looking the other way. Why?


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